Taken Too Soon

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Year 827

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Year 827

Erwin felt his heart break as he felt the strength leave his daughter's hand. He felt as if he had also lost all air in his lungs along with her. He cursed himself for getting attached. To spare himself the pain is why he doesn't get involved. Again, he cursed himself for even thinking of regretting his relationship with his daughter. Sadness struck him, seeing the smile linger on Elira's lips.

Olive erupted in sobs and shouts. Grisha had rushed into the room. He pushed Olive out of the way although she refused to let go of her daughter's hand. Grief struck harder than ever before. Seeing her closest friends die didn't come close to the pain she felt in that moment. She knew better than anyone Elira would die, but she never actually acknowledged it.

Grisha had begun CPR as a last resort. Maybe the serum didn't work due to her circulation. It didn't spread through her body quick enough as her heart was barely pumping. Grisha began to sweat. Failing a member of the scouts and someone he now considers a close friend is not how he wanted to end the day.

Erwin was frozen, still holding onto his little girl. Olive broke down, also refusing to let go. Olive looked at Erwin's stone face, resulting in her sadness becoming anger. "Damn you!" She shouted as she lunged across the bed, tackling the man to the ground. She pounded on his chest and Erwin made no move to stop her.

"Maybe if you were here! Maybe if you were around she'd have fought harder! Maybe if your excursions outside the wall were successful, we could've had a solution! You're a useless bastard! You're an ass-sucking jerk who let his daughter die! You're a horrible father! You're a horrible person!" She screamed.

"If i'm a horrible person for not being here, then what are you?"

Her eyes flamed, "the fuck did you just say?"

"But you're right. The least I could've done was be present, and I failed at even that. But I couldn't protect her from this. And neither could you. I understand you need someone to blame, but I can't promise that I'll lay here and let you beat me while I grieve too." Erwin said as calmly as ever.

Olive stared down at him with wide, red eyes. As tears welled in his eyes, her's started streaming down her cheeks again. She leaned down to lay against his chest. "Erwin, our little girl...she's gone." She sobbed, "what the hell are we gonna do?"

Selfishly needing the comfort, he hugged her back. "Another brave soul, lost."

Olive pushed herself off him, "just another brave soul? Are you kidding me?! She was your child!"

Erwin sat up slowly like a zombie. He was groggy. He couldn't tell exactly what was happening around him. His daughter, gone so soon. She had a dream just like he did. She was as strong and brave as could be. She faced death in the face with a smile. Even he couldn't convince himself to be so accepting of death. But she fought for so long and so hard. Yet, he didn't really know if she won.

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