The Exhibition

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Saddled up on their horses, the rear squad all set out

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Saddled up on their horses, the rear squad all set out. The horses were set into a sprint as they took off beyond Wall Maria. Elira rode, starry eyed at the sight of the outside world. Seeing no titans in the distance, she tightened her thighs and released the reins. Spreading her arms, she felt like she was flying. She cheered, "I'm outside!"

Her squad smiled, some cheering with her. As soon as the first red missile was fired, their excitement dimmed. Elira came back to her senses and focused on the task. "Move left to get a closer look!" She ordered.
The team moved in that direction to get a feel for what was happening. The left squads were handling it but had to come to a stop. Elira kept her team moving.

"Move right!" The team shifted to their far right. Seeing a titan in the very far distance, Holly shakily prepared a smoke launch.

"There's no need. It's far and igniting it might draw it here," Koa ordered as co-leader. Holly put down the flare gun.

Elira sharpened her vision, seeing two squads being eaten by titans. She heard her team gasp but Elira sighed and rode faster. "Shouldn't we stop? What if someone's still alive?" Aylin asked.

"Those chances are slim. We can't risk it." Elira answered.

Taking back a center position, hours of red smoke flares, they were finally nearing the forest. The same left squads were again engaged with the enemy. They were about to be overtaken. "Disperse left! Help the team!" Elira ordered, sitting up on her horse in a squat like position.

Her teammates did as instructed. The defensive line being Holly, Han, and Arryn took the survivors onto their horses. The offensive lineman Koa, Nate, Vaia and Elira all took out their blades. "Koa, Vaia, take out the four to the left. Nate and I will take the right."

"Roger!" The duo shouted before moving in that direction.

"How do you wanna do this, Ella?" Nate asked, using her nickname.

"Take the feet, I'll hit the nape. Make sure to watch for the rest." She ordered.

"Understood!" He raced in front of her, rounding a titans legs. He jumped off his horse just as Elira anchored into the titans shoulder.

Elira's face was wiped of any emotion. She was completely calm and focused. She leaped into the air, allowing her gear to take her weight. She ripped into the titans arm that reached for her with her blades straight up to its nape, effortlessly killing it. Anchoring to the next titan, it was a swift move to the kill.

Finishing the job quickly, the team rallied up again. There were three survivors and no casualties on her squad. Elira rode up in front of the survivors, Holly patching them up as best she could. "Run out of gas?" She asked the man glaring up at her. She recognized him from the meeting. His eyes were cold and were constantly glaring at everything.

"Yeah," he muttered.

She fiddled in her bag, grabbing a couple air cases and tossing them to him. "You guys have been getting swarmed the whole time. You did good for what it's worth. Nate, ride with me. Lend this guy your horse. The other two survivors will ride with Han and Holly." She instructed.

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