The Fall of Shiganshia

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Year 845

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Year 845

If only she could. Elira stood in shock, arms outstretched. One moment everything was fine. They were laughing as Olive showed her around town. The next, a new type of titan - the colossal, towered over Wall Maria. It kicked a hole through the gate before just vanishing.

What felt like a hundred titans came through the hole, invading the town of Shiganshia. The town was made to lure titans but something like this could've never have been predicted. Panic arose in the people. They ran towards the gate as quickly as they could. Olive was leading Elira away from the wall.

"Mom, we can help them! We have to!" She yelled.

"We can't! We're outnumbered." Olive retorted.

"Please, I was trained for this! Just get me to the supply building. I'll refuel and then we can kill these bitches. I had the highest kill count of the exhibition. I proved my capabilities." Elira argued.

"I will not let you die!" Olive yelled and continued pulling her daughter until she fought back.

Fighting out of her mother's arms, "these people are not defenseless! They have us for a reason, this exact reason. And we're gonna leave them here to die?"

Olive huffed, "fine, I'll get you to the supply depot. We'll save who we can but then we leave when the gates close."

"Okay!" Elira agreed, holding onto her mom once more.

The two of them ran and ran until they were right outside the depot. Olive tripped on some debris, to which Elira grabbed her arms to help her. Except a titan had grabbed hold of her mother's bottom half. Elira looked up at the titan and back down at her mother in fear. Olive was terrified too.

"Elira, run!" Olive yelled but Elira couldn't find it in herself to let go. "Elira!! Please!"

She couldn't hear her mother's pleas, in fact everything faded away as she watched the titan pull her mother's legs off her body. She fell back, half her mother's corpse covering her as she laid on her back.

"Stay...alive..."her mother whispered with her last breath.

Elira felt the tears travel down her temples as she laid there, her mother's body on top of her. She felt the titan step closer. To honor her mother, she pushed her corpse off her and rose to her feet. Her ODM gear was still on her, but she was an inch away from no gas. She glared up at the five meter titan in rage.

She anchored into a building to her left and rounded the titan, quickly slicing its nape. She glared at the fading corpse then walked to her mother. She closed her mother's eyes and cut her jacket patch off. "I'll do my best, mama." She whispered.

Elira ran into the supply depot, seeing several others scurrying around for gas. She filled up hers and grabbed extras. She piled in her blades but that was the one thing she couldn't have extras of. She ran back out to see the smoke from destroyed buildings and blood dotted around.

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