Breach in Trost

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Year 850

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Year 850

Levi laid beside Elira in his bed. They took turns staying in each other's rooms, although they stayed at Levi's more. He laid close to her, running her hand along her bare side. He watched her peacefully dream while admiring her beauty. Within two years, she had grown more mature both physically and emotionally. He had always moved at her pace, so when she decided to keep their relationship private, he supported her.

She admitted that her father wouldn't approve of them so to not risk disappointing him, she wanted it a secret. Elira never fully revealed who her father was, assuming Levi already knew. That being said, he knew that he needed to cherish these times with her. She was to travel to Trost a day early like she did every year to get a peak at the recruits. The closing ceremony, where recruits choose which regiment they would go to, would be tomorrow night. Levi had to attend an exhibition along with the rest of the regiment to check on Wall Maria, so they'd both be busy.

Levi looked at the clock on his bedside table, seeing it being time to wake her. Pushing some hair from her face, he placed soft kisses on her neck and cheek. She moaned quietly as her hand moved to his nape. Pulling him closer in order to hug him. She grumbled something incoherent before pushing him away to stretch. Her shirt rode up, making her underwear visible as she hated wearing pants to bed.

"What time is it?" She muttered, covering her mouth discreetly with the inside of her shirt.

"You have to leave in two hours," he answered simply. He laid his hand on her hip, rubbing his thumb along the bone.

She huffed, "I don't want to go."

He furrowed his brows, "why? You go every year."

"Waking up with you like this is an easy part of persuasion." She winked.

Shaking his head, "you can't back out now. Hannes is waiting to escort you to Trost."

"Come with me," she pleaded.

He pushed a strand of hair from her face. "I can't and you know that." he replied, getting out of bed showing off his bare torso.

She watched as he made his way into the attached bathroom in his room. Getting up herself, she pulled on a pair of pants. Hearing the shower turn on, she figured he was going to get in so she exited the room. Levi looked into his bedroom at the sound of the door and sighed, "Guess I should've told her I was running her a bath."

Elira was finishing up her routine of getting herself ready, packing a bag, and tidying her room when Koa appeared in the doorway. He stood leaned against it while he watched her. He didn't know about her relationship with Levi, but he had his suspicions. His suspicions being that Levi had a crush on her and she didn't know.

Levi made his affections obvious to anyone who actually paid attention. Apart from the behavior he expressed when Elira had her break, he treated her differently. He favored her in training. He gave up his rations. He only ever opened the door for her. He always kept an eye on her, not a scornful one but his gaze always softened when looking at her. It irked Koa to no end. The guy hardly knew Elira, and was way too old for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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