El Mirador

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"Am I infuriating or are you just frustrated because I won't bed you?" she challenged, taking a step towards him, stopping only inches from him.  

"Bed me?" he chuffed, becoming more aggravated but taking a daring step towards her causing them to touch. "BED ME! Lady, I wouldn't bed you if you were the last raven-haired beauty on earth." his hazel eyes, which were dominantly grey when angry; pierced into her deep caramel orbs. 

"Keep telling yourself that Doc," God, he hated when she called him Doc like that. "But we both know the truth." With an attitude in her eyes, she looked at him up and down, seeing his chest heave before giving a sly smile and turning to walk away.


"Professor Jones." a female voice came from the doorway. 

Indiana turned from the chalkboard in his class, "Yes?" He couldn't quite believe what he was seeing, or rather who. It had been at least four years since he had last seen her. He smiled despite himself. adjusting his glasses before putting his hands in the pockets of his suede trousers. "Y/N." sighing to himself. Looking at her, he couldn't entirely remember why this woman infuriated him so, just that she did. 

"Long time," She took a few steps forward, surveying the room, lingering her fingertips across the top of a nearby desk. 

"What are you doing here?" He rounded his desk getting closer.

"So much for formalities," she sighed, "I have a proposition for you, and if you say yes you will be world known."

"I already am," he quipped with a cheeky grin. 

She turned away, hiding a soft smile. "El Mirador." She turned to face him, leaning on a desk in front of him. Kicking her heel, she kept her sights on the wood flooring. Indiana looked up from the stack of papers he had graded. "I found it. Well, I know where it is," She paused, looking back up at him. "I haven't gone." Y/N stood up taking a step closer. "I need someone to lead the expedition. That's where you come in. I asked around, imagine my shock when I came to find out you're the best at this," she waved her hand around.

"At what?" 

 "Finding the lost."  

"Where?" He took a skeptical step towards her.

"Deep in the Campeche jungle in the Yucatan Peninsula." She handed him a folded piece of paper. "I leave tomorrow night for Mexico, this is the information of where to meet."

"I didn't say I'd do it."

She smiled softly at him, "See you tomorrow night. And try not to be late or dramatic," She turned for the door. "You know how I hate that." 

"Now wait a minute," He tried to argue but she was gone without another word. He let out an audible annoyed gr


                                                                      ....::Next Night::....

Indiana showed up at a small airfield to find Y/N standing at the bottom of the stairs of a single-engined twin-tail aircraft. He shoved his pack into her arms. She looked up at him with an inquisitive brow. 

"I'm just saying this one time kid. What I say goes. You listen to me, and we may both survive with our heads still attached and fat wallets."

She gave a sour look."Kid? I'm the oldest student you've probably ever had. You're barely two years my senior, so drop the kid act." Shoving his pack back against his chest. "Let's go Doc." She turned to go up the stairs.

Indy groaned, "And another thing,"

Y/N cut him off, turning back to face him in the middle of the staircase. "And another thing, no checking out my backside when you think I don't notice." She took a step down, getting a little closer. "And I always notice."

"Don't flatter yourself." He retorted.

"I wouldn't dare." She smiled, turned, and boarded the plane. He watched her board the plane "I know you're looking." He rolled his eyes before following suit.

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