For A Minute There

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Indiana woke up tied against a pillar, sitting on the floor, pain surged through his leg, head, and shoulder. His button-up was now stained with blood, and his face and hair felt sticky and wet. He looked around barely catching a glimpse of Y/N's fingers peeking from the pile of rubble, the color red tipped the fingers. 

"Get her out of there," Indy screamed, twisting in the restraints. 

Sherman looked at Indy before moving his gaze over to the pile. "It was a pain in the ass enough pulling you out, I'm sure she's already dead, if not she will be with all that weight on her. Besides, my boss wants her dead remember?"

"Yeah? And who's that?" Indy spat.

"Theodore Haddock." He answered, matter-of-factly.

"Don't know him, don't honestly care too."

"Don't worry Dr. Jones, he knows you and he'll be here soon to claim his discovery."

Jones gave an exasperated laugh as he watched him, as he slowly began to work out the knot keeping his wrists restricted. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you?"

"Don't believe I care what you think you'll do Doctor Jones. You'll die before you can even think about acting on any revenge."

"First I'm going to wrap this rope around your neck," Indy was just buying time while he untied himself.

He sighed. "Alright, proceed since you need to waste your breath." He was shoving small relics in a bag with his back to Indiana. 

"Then I'm going to look you right in the eyes as you kick and attempt to free from the grip I will have on your airways, nothing you do will work."

"That it?" He asked, annoyed. 

"Lastly I'm going to watch you die and enjoy the feeling of your life ending." He was loose, he quietly made his way behind Randall, quickly throwing the rope around his neck and pulling him back into him. They made eye contact. "Step one." Mr. Randall began thrashing about. "Step two." Indy began to verbally check off his list in a cocky sort of tone. Randall began to try to reach for Indy without fail. The fight in him began to slowly die down until his body went limp and his eyes shuttered shut. "Step four."

He tossed Randall aside and ran to the rubble and began to throw chunks of limestone to the side. "Y/N!" He yelled, hoping for a response. "Come on sweetheart," more stones thrown. "Give me a sign here." The softest sound came from the pile as Indy finally removed the stone covering her face. "There you are, I got you, don't move." His movements became more hurried. 

"Indy?" Her voice was raspy and barely above a whisper.

He gently shushed her and pulled her from the pile, lifting her into his arms, "You're bleeding," She gently touched his face before her arm fell and her head laid against his shoulder as he carried her out from the collapsed opening in the ground.

Once safely out Indy gently laid Y/N on the ground and assessed her injuries. Her left arm looked to be broken, her forehead had a small gash, and the majority of the right side of her face was bruised and stained in blood and cuts. He touched her stomach and she winced. Possible broken ribs. miraculously nothing she couldn't heal from. His head throbbed but he couldn't deal with that right now. He picked her up and began carrying her.

"Doc, my legs work. I'll be okay, put me down."

"No." Indiana looked around and pain surged through his injured leg, and he hit his knee nearly dropping her. He cursed.

"Indiana Jones, let go." Her tone was serious though soft.  He did. "Let me see you."

"I just pulled you from the rubble, you're the one that should be looked at!"

"Indy, you already checked me over. I've been in worse scraps before," He gave her a look at which she just slowly nodded, that that was a discussion for another time. "please for my piece of mind."

He sighed and gave her a nod. She checked him over. His knee looked to possibly be sprained, he had cuts and bruises, blood soaking his clothes and head. His head is the worst. "You're going to need stitches." She ripped the sleeve from her button-up and pressed it against his head.

Indy looked at her. "Y/N..."


"What are we doing here?"

"I'd like to know the same thing, Doctor Jones." 

They both turned to see two men had snuck up on them. 

Y/N looked sick to her stomach. "Theo." Fear took over her once soft expression. 

"Theo?" Indy looked at her and then back at the man. "Theodore Haddock?"

"You know him?" Y/N looked scared.

"No, his goon said he's the one who wanted me captured and you dead. How do you know each other?"

"Oh, you don't know Jones? I thought she may have accidentally yelled my name in bed the other night, while you were screwing my wife. You know, out of habit. She does love to yell my name."

Indy's facial expression turned to disgust, but before he could speak Y/N stood up.

Her expression now turned to rage. "Theo, we are no longer married, and believe me you can never measure up to the lover or man Indiana is."

Indy gave a cocky grin, as he stood to his feet. 

"Well, yes, hope it was good enough for Indiana to remember you by love because this is where you say goodbye. Like always, Y/N it has been a pleasure."

One of his men pulled a Mauser C96 and pointed it at them. Rain began to instantly pour from the sky as if the Gods themselves were crying at the sight before them.

Indy instantly lunged at the man, fighting for the handgun, causing the handgun to be dropped to the ground. In the same instant Y/N dove for her ex-husband, who instantly dodged the strike and gained advantage pinning Y/N to the ground with his hands on her throat.

Indy and the man went blow to blow. The man noticed Indy's wounds and took advantage of everyone he could see. Indy's adrenaline surged through him as he was able to take hold of the gun, and quickly ended the man's life. He immediately turned to Theodore. "GET OFF HER NOW BEFORE I PAINT THIS FOREST WITH YOUR VILE REMAINS!"

Theodore smirked up at him, "Do it Doc because I will feel her die beneath my grasp before my l-"

Indiana gave him a right hook causing him to fall to her side. She coughed hard, rolling out of the way. Indiana jumped onto him hitting him so hard his knuckles cracked and bruised with each blow. Theo kicked him off causing a hiss from Indy as his body flew back. Theo gained the advantage hitting him in the temple with a few hard southpaw punches.

 Indy clocked him square in the jaw with an elbow, turning him, he straddled him and laid on left and right hooks r. one right after another. Punches and kicks were traded back and forth between the two men as they tousled in the mud and the cold.

A loud shot rang out causing birds to take flight from the trees above them. She backed away with a fear-stricken expression. "I--" She vocally swallowed, "Is he--?"

He just nodded, as blood circled outwards on the ground.

"Oh, god." She began to cry. 

Indy hated that she looked petrified. He cradled her face in his hands causing her to look up from the still form of her former husband to him. "You're safe. I'm here, okay?" 

Closing her eyes, and pressing into his touch. "You're here." She repeated.

"Yeah," Indy said softly. "You know, for a minute there, I thought i'd lost you."

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