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Indy came back from the back of the plane after changing into his signature ensemble, taking a seat across the aisle from Y/N resting his fedora on his knee.  He smiled to himself before staring over the window seat looking out the window.

"You're excited." Y/N didn't look up from the newspaper she was reading. It was a statement rather than a question. 

"I'm stuck on a plane with you, Nothing about me is excited." He quipped, and she softly laughed.

Folding the paper up, she set it on her lap, turning to face him. "Your eyes are green right now. Whenever you were giving a speech about something that truly excited you, your eyes would turn this very pretty shade of green," he turned and looked at her, curious. She continued, "When you're mad they turn grey, when you're bored or uninterested; which you often were when the female... and male students would blantingly flirt with you then they turn brown. You hated when they wouldn't take the lesson seriously." adjusting her glasses. She turned and reopened her paper.

She was his best student, which made his distaste for her hard to put out. "I knew you wanted me." He laughed.

"No want here." She scanned the black print. "I'm just very observant."

He was quiet for a moment, "Yours turn a darker brown, like dark chocolate; when you're.... excited." He smiled, looking back out the plane.

"Nice try, but you've never seen me excited Jones."

"Jones." He hummed, "formal." He began fidgeting with the top of his button-up. "I have though. You would fidget in your seat and your eyes would turn darker." He paused for a moment, "Adrian Parker."

She looked up and looked over the seat by her at him. "Adrian Parker. The guy who didn't end up graduating from my class? Why are you bringing up his name?"

He looked at her, He sighed getting up taken the seat by her. "He liked you, you liked him. Whenever he spoke to you your eyes became darker."

She let out a loud laugh.

"What is so funny?"

"And you say you don't like me."

"I don't," he faced forward. "I'm just... observant." He teased.

"Clearly, not that observant." They made eye contact. "My eyes don't turn dark brown when I'm excited they become lighter like cocoa powder, rather caramel or sienna. When they get darker it's because I'm unhappy or don't like the situation I'm in. Adrian was good-looking enough but too young, too inexperienced." Indy noticeably swallowed. "I like a man who knows what he's doing. What he wants, and just goes after it. Life is too short to waste it on cowardness."

Before Indiana could speak, the pilot interrupted them saying they had arrived. 

"Saved by the bell." She smiled. 


The sun had not yet risen when they arrived. A car took them to their hotel. Y/N checked in and they made their way upstairs.

"I'm not sleeping with you, no matter how good you look in that dress."

"Don't start being nice to me now Doc." She stopped in front of the door. "I need to get a couple hours of sleep, shower, and change before we head out. I don't care how good I look in a dress, it's not appropriate clothing for threading through the jungle." She handed him a second key. "Your room is right here next to mine and unfortunately we share a joining door but even think about using it." 

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"Meet me in the lobby at noon." 

"Whatever you say princess."

It had only been a few hours When Indy heard screams coming from Y/N's room, causing Indy to jump out of bed and run to their joining door. He twisted the handle but it was locked. "Y/N!" no response. "Y/N!" more screams. "Stay away from the door." taking a step back he rammed his shoulder into the door. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Again. It busted open and he ran in seeing Y/N Standing on the edge of the corner of the bed, frozen in fear. "What's the matter?"

"That!" She points at the bed. 

Indy looked at her messy bed to see a scorpion crawling along the mattress. 

He loudly sighed. "It's just a Striped Bark Scorpion."

"You say that like it's not poisonous."

"Well it is but," He walked over to it, picked up the scorpion by the tail, opened up the window throwing it out. "Better?" He asked, annoyed. That's when he noticed how upset she was. He climbed the bed and took her into his arms. After a few moments, she ran her hand across his chest, finally realizing it was bare. She pushed herself away, moving out of his arms.

Her eyes slowly surveyed his body. He was only in his boxers. He must of been sleeping. She's always suspected that he would be in shape from his appearance. He was tall and slender, but those suede suits did not due him justice. He was tan and muscular. She made eye contact. "Why are you naked?"

He looked at her then at himself puzzled. "I'm not." He stood up, "Believe me darling, if I was you wouldn't be kicking me out of your bed."

"You know your arrigant."

He leaned in pressing his fits into the mattress on either side of her knees. looking her deeply in her eyes. "And those," He nodded, "are caramel swirls." He grinned, getting up. 

"Oooh, you..." throws a pillow at him hitting the joining door before it closes.

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