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"Mind shedding some light on this?"

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"Mind shedding some light on this?"

Seung Cheol thrust his phone in front of Jeong Han's face, forcing him to lean back slightly. The device hovered perilously close to the tip of his nose as he focused on the image displayed – a snapshot of his birthday cake.

"What's the big deal? It's just a cake," Jeong Han deadpanned, redirecting his attention to the computer monitor.

Seung Cheol pulled back his arm and raised an eyebrow at his phone. He tapped the screen, fast-forwarding through the Instagram birthday story dump that Jeong Han had uploaded, then shoved the phone back at his friend, pointing to a blurry picture of Jeong Han posing with a girl, presumably taken on his birthday.

"This!" Seung Cheol exclaimed.

When Jeong Han caught a glimpse of it, he couldn't suppress a gleeful smile. "Isn't it cute? It wasn't planned, but the waitress thought we looked adorable together, so she insisted on taking a photo for us."

"You deliberately blurred the image, didn't you? You think I wouldn't recognize who this is? It's obviously Lee-hoobae!" Seung Cheol tapped his phone again, revealing another photo. This time, it displayed the LEGO toy car set they had won at the arcade, accompanied by the caption, 'Thank you for the gift. I had fun today.'

"You spent your birthday with her, didn't you?"

"If it's so obvious, why bother asking?" Jeong Han retorted.

"That's why you were nowhere to be found last Wednesday! You didn't even ask for permission from the boss or file for a leave! Thanks to you, I had to work overtime, you sneaky little—"

"Shouldn't you be working instead of snooping around?" Jeong Han interrupted. "Besides, I told you not to come looking for me. We've been friends for years; you should've understood what I meant."

"So, was that a soft launch?" Seung Cheol grinned slyly, nudging his friend's arm. "It must be! You even set your stories on 'Friends Only' mode. Are you guys seeing each other?"

"Well..." Jeong Han leaned back, crossed his arms, and swiveled his chair around to face him, adopting a serious expression. The anticipation in Seung Cheol's eyes was palpable.

"I'd like that very much, but no," He replied, a fleeting pang in his chest. "We're not." With that, he returned to his work.

"At least there's progress, my friend," Seung Cheol assured him with a pat on the back. "Speaking of, how did you guys even get in touch? I thought you didn't have her number."

"Actually, I do."

Seung Cheol's thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What? When? How? Did you finally give in and ask Seok Min for it?"

"No, nothing like that," Jeong Han chuckled. "Long story short, we bumped into each other by chance about a week or two ago, I think." He continued speaking as he typed on his keyboard, eyes fixed on the monitor. "I helped her out with something, and she wanted to repay the favor, so I got her number. Then, she asked me out for a meal, and it just so happened to be on my birthday, so..."

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