The plan

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Normal pov
Amu woke up with a slight neck ache from sleeping on her couch. She remembered her deal with Utau and gasped. "That's right! I'm suppose to meet Utau today!" She shouted. She looked at the clock and saw it was 9:45. She groaned and stood up. She searched around for her phone and when she finally found it she texts Utau that she's coming. She then picks out her outfit. It was black leggings with some black combat boots and a white shirt with a short jean jacket. She brushed her hair and teeth and then made herself a coffee before dashing out the door with her purse in hand. Meanwhile Utau was snoring away whe she heard her phone go off. She woke up and looked at it. It was Amu saying she was on her way to their meeting spot. Utau remembered her plan and smirked before waking up Ikuto. "Get up you idiot!" She shouted as she was brushing her teeth. It took her two minutes to find the perfedt outfit and then grab an apple and headed out to her car. Ikuto came out 10 minutes later, slow as ever. "Why do you walk so slow!?" Utau exclaimed, she knew she was probably making Amu wait. Ikuto sighed. "That bed isn't all to comfy..." He glared at her. "Hey, you could be sleeping in an ally!" She retorted before starting the car and driving off.

Amu's pov
I sigh as I look at my watch. I'm running a bit late! It's been 20 minutes since I've texted Utau that I was coming soon. I got to the mall and saw some good breakfast food but then some guy budged in front of me after I waited all that to time so I started yelling at him and in the end I never got my breakfast! Oh well it's like 10:20 right. I finally see Utau and run fast and wave at her. "Sorry I'm-" I'm suddenly knocked down. "Ow!!!" Pain suddenly takes over my body. "My butt! Hey you! Say your sorry!!" I shout at the guy who had knocked me down. I glare at him as he stares at me. He had midnight blue hair with eyes to match and he was very tall and well built on his chest, I could tell through his shirt... not like I was checking him out or anything, I mean he did knock me over! He finally responds. "Oh, sorry..." He states calmly as he gives me his hand to help me up. I take it and scowl at him. "You better be sorry! Idiot!" I glare one last time before dusting myself off and leaving. I could tell he was staring after me but I kept walking. I turned the corner and saw Utau laughing. I glare at her and smack her arm. "You could of helped me out! That rude idiot didn't even look sorry!" I sigh frustratedly. Utau is still laughing her ass off and points behind me. I feel my stomach drop and turn around to look at who she was pointing at and almost died when I saw the guy who had knocked me down. "Oh... it's you..." I glared at him. He smirked. "And you must be Amu." He stated. I raised a questioning eyebrow and turned to Utau. "Utau?!" I asked. She snorted. "He's ahahahha he's my ahahahahah oh god! Hahahah he's my brother!!!" She finally got her sentence out. My jaw dropped and I whipped around to face her brother. Ikuto was it?!

Ikuto's pov
I smirked at her bewildered face. She was very cute I'll give her that but she did have quite the mouth on her. She instantly glared at me and I wanted to laugh but held it back with another smirk. "So... your Ikuto?! Well... I see no resemblance. Utau why did you bring you jerk of a brother here!!?" She shouted angrily as she turned around to a now stable Utau. Why did she think this was so funny? Whatever... "Because he's part of the plan... let's sit down shall we?" She smiled at us. Amu glanced up at me and sighed with frustration before angrily pulling out a chair at the cafes table and sat down. I sat down as well and looked at the two girls. Did Utau not tell this Amu girl anything? Hmmm... what's Utau got planned? I know her and I don't know what she's exactly planning but I need that money. "Fine! Can we at least order breakfast? Some jerk budged in front of me and that's why I was so late!" Amu whined. I smirked. She's so cute!!!! I like her! "Ok, waiter!!!" Utau shouted. I sighed quietly. Her and her big mouth! A man came up and smiled at us. He was my age and I could tell he was checking Amu out so I decided to order first. I didn't like him checking her out!! It mad me mad! "I'll take an iced coffee with some pancakes, thanks." I gave him an intimidating smile and looked at the girls awaiting their order. "I'll have a water, thanks..." Utau smiled sweetly. I sighed and almost glared at her but left it alone. "I'll take some pancakes and do you guys serve sunny side up eggs?" She asked. The man nodded and smiled at her. "Ok then I'll take those with my pancakes and a glass of milk! Thanks!!" She smiled brightly at him and I lowered my gaze. God she's so cute but man was that waiter looking her up and down! No doubt being a pervert about her!!! It sickens me to no end!! "So Amu, the plan I've come up with... You got dumped by Tadase right?" Utau explained. Amu nodded. She got dumped!? Why?! That idiot! He doesn't know what he's missing out on! "Well you won that 45,000 and my brother here needs 11,000 of that money... so I was thinking... Ikuto will be your boyfriend or fiancé or whatever and you could pay him the 11,000 that way you both get what you want! No disappointment at the family dinner and no more Easter beating you up for the money!!!" Utau smiled happily at us. Amu's jaw dropped and I let my mouth open a bit. No way! That her was her big plan!!? I had to pretend to be in love with Amu for her family's dinner and then I'd get $11,000 in return!? I'm down for that! This'll be cake! "Sounds good to me..." I say. Amu turns to me completely shocked. "Are you kidding?! It's absurd! I'm not paying your idiot brother- no offense- 11,000 dollars for him to pretend to be my fiancé!" She exclaimed. The waiter then brought us our food. Utau sighed and gave her puppy eyes. "Come on! He's the best you've got and he's my brother so you know you can trust him!!" She said. I nodded. "Come on Amu, it'll be fun!" I smirk at her. Yeah, it'll be fun alright... fun to mess around with my lovely little Amu-koi! 😏

Makeshift boyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora