Preparing for the family

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Amu's pov
"Huh?" I felt really fuzzy and light headed. I sat up, my eyes squinting to adjust to the bright light. "I hate mornings..." By now my head was throbbing and my neck hurt when I moved it. "That's what you get when you drink to much wine." I hear Ikuto say. I look at him. "Huh?" I repeat my earlier question. What did he mean by that? Don't tell me he saw me drunk!!? He sighs and leans against the door way. "Your such an idiot... come on aren't we suppose to head to your parents soon?" He states. "Eh? How'd you know that?!" I ask shocked. He smirks. "I saw it on your calendar on the fridge." He retorts. I blush and stand up. He smirks wider and I remember I was only wearing a shirt and some underwear. I scream and run to slam my door in his face. Once dressed I head back out and walk calmly into the kitchen. One glimpse of Ikuto sends me reeling into a blushing mess! He chuckles. "Alright! If I'm going to be your fake boyfriend to impress your parents what do I need to do? We should also go over couple like things, you know what happens in the bed room, how long have we been going out, what's your favorite things, what we do as a couple." He stated. I nearly choked on my glass of orange juice. "I-Ikuto!" I shout after swallowing the gulp I had taken. He smirks. "I'm just trying to get prepared!" He defended with his smirk widening. I blushes madly. "Ok, I see your point but I need to know you as well!" I retort. He shrugs and nods. I sigh and sit down in the couch, Ikuto following me. "Ok... So where do we start?" I ask looking at him for guidance. He smirked. "Where do you work?" He asks. "I work at a restaurant, I'm a waitress at Sam and Cals diner. You?" I ask. He chuckles. "I have a job at a news paper company, gazette. I help draw the template and also hand then out on days when I sign up for it." He stated back. Huh... I would of never thought him to be that kind of guy. Well anyways... "How old are you?" He asks. "21, you?" "26, okay um... How'd we meet?" He asks. I think about it. "I was waiting a table when I came to take your order...?" I looked up at him looking to see if he liked where my idea was going. He nodded and urged me to keep going. "And I stumbled and fell on you and then I took you out to dinner that night as an apology and we hit it off good and one thing lead to another and here we are! Dating!" I smiled proudly at my fake story. I look at Ikuto to see his approval and he nodded. "Sounds good enough... I guess it'll work." I glare at him. Well I thought it was romantic! "Now we know who's the romantic one..." I muttered, looking away. Ikuto chuckled. "Ok next question, how long have we been dating?" He asks. "2 years and 4 months." I answer smoothly. I feel like that's a reasonable time span for us to be dating. He nods. "Ok, um... My mother is alive but my father ran off. Should I change that?" He asks. I shake my head. "No that's ok." I smile at him. Must be hard to not have a father... Especially one that up and leaves you. "Utau is my sister and we sort of met through her, okay? She'll be the one that was with me when we met at the diner. She recommended you." He smirked and winked at me. I blushed instantly and clasped my hands together. "Hmm... What makes you love me?" I ask. He looks at me appalled. "My dad will be asking..." I reassure him. He gives me a skeptical look before sighing. "Hmm... I like your eyes, they shimmer brightly and I can see how happy you are though them. I also like your smile, it's warm and reassuring." He stated cooly. My mouth dropped and my face burned with embarrassment. "What do you love about me?" He asked. I looked away and crossed my arms. "Your stubborn and perverted but your intentions are pure and good." I mutter quickly. He smirks and continues the questions. "Okay, so, tell me what your family is like." "Oh um well... My little sister Ami is 15 and she loves singing and listening to music. She's very happy and bubbly as for my dad... He's going to cry and cry and cry once he knows that I truly have a boyfriend, he'll probably ask tons of questions and stuff he'll try to get you to fess up to something but just keep it cool and answer him. My mother will be happy and say a lot of embarrassing things about me so don't listen to her!" I look at him and blush at the last part. He smirks and nods. "Okay... Uh well... I guess that would be it right?" I ask. He shook his head. "Your favorite food?" "Hmm... Chicken Alfredo! You?" "Cooked fish, favorite color?" "Uh... Blue!" He looks at me surpass like. "Really? Would you looked that! We ha e something in common." He smirked at me and my mouth dropped. Ikuto's favorite color is blue too?! Oh my god! That's weird and makes me feel really happy for some reason...? Nah I'm just overwhelmed that's all. "Really? Cool- er- I mean not cool but like you know... Weird... Whatever anyways!!" I try and change the subject. He just smirks and goes on. "Favorite music?" He asks. I shrug. "I like country and pop but really I'm fine with what ever using the radio." I state. He nods. "Same... Hmm... Favorite song?" He asks. I think about it. "At the moment it's talking body." I say thoughtfully. He nods. "Ok... I don't really have a favorite song so... What do you like to do for fun?" He asks. I think about it. "I usually don't have time to rely and when I do I'm taking a bathroom, reading, or watching a good movie." I say. He scoffs. "Lame! Well I for one like to party. Is that bad?" I shake my head. "Favorite book?" "Hmm... Forevermore by Cindy Miles." I say. He nods. "No doubt a romantic..." He mutters. I scowl at him. "It has ghosts in it and spells and stuff! Not just romance!" I shout. He chuckles and shakes my head. "Your so predictable. Like I bet your favorite fruit is a strawberry and your favorite dessert is chocolate and strawberry swirl cake! You love romance but hate the sappy endings, let me guess, you hate admitting you like that kind of stuff so you make fun of it, right?" My mouth drops. "How the hell!?"

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