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Okay guys I feel absolutely horrible about this!! The truth is I completely forgot I was writing this story!! I'm soooooooooo sorry! Please forgive me! Many of you have waited for this to be updated and I completely forgot about it! I hope this chapter measures up to to your standards because I'm very sorry!

Ikuto's pov
Before I could make my move Amu's mother walked in. She blushed. "Oh am I interrupting? Excuse me!" She dashed out and Amu pulled away, completely embarrassed. I smirked. She actually took initiative and kissed me... Maybe she likes me? "Amu-" she cut me off. "S-sorry! I shouldn't of done that! Just pretend it didn't happen alright?" She blushed horribly and then scooted away from me, patting her face she smiled. "Thanks for the food!" She then sat down and ate. I sighed and sat done with her. Should I tell her? I'm... I'm in love with her. I'm in love with Amu Hinamori.

Amu's pov
Eating the food I couldn't be more thankful that Ikuto had saved some for me. Speaking of Ikuto... I blushed yet again. I JUST FRICKEN KISSED THE GUY!!! And to make it worse I totally like it! No! I loved it! Eeek! Bad Amu! Don't fall in love with him he's only here for a job to get money nothing else! Yet I can't help but feel this nervous and excited feeling around him. Like I'm happy he's here. Like I... I blush again. It's almost like I am in love with him... BUT I CAN'T! I promised him an easy job yet I made it completely difficult! Why did I kiss him?! I'm such a fool... He probably doesn't even like me... "S-so... Sorry for making you sit alone with my family... I bet it was awkward..." I try and start a conversation. He smiled. "It wasn't that bad... Your moms real nice and your sister enjoys toying with your secrets. I bet it's nice having family time like this..." Oh that's right... It's only him and Utau and he rarely sees her because of his debt to Easter... I really feel bad for Ikuto. Maybe I should just give him the money. He's already done so much for me... "Amu I-" he was cut off by my mother. "Amu could you give up Ikuto for a while? Your fathers going on his fixing spree and wants Ikuto to help him with the satellite for the tv." She stated. We both stood up. No! Ikuto's mine he's going to stay here. "Mom...!" I whine. Ikuto chuckles and leans down, pecking my cheek. "It's alright Amu. I'm just helping your dad. I'll be fine, besides we'll get to bond." He stated. My heart stopped, he always makes things sound so much better. Suddenly this urge to hug him sweeps me. So look up at him, lean up on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "If he gets to you let me know..." I whisper in his ear. I then close my eyes and await his return of the hug. Finally he does hug me back. I smile. "And be careful up on the roof okay? I... I couldn't stand it if you got hurt..." I admit. Ikuto's hug on me tightens and he blows air out of his nose as he smiles. "Amu... Are you starting to fall in love with me?" He teased quietly before pulling away and smirking. My heart stopped yet again. I-Ikuto...

Ikuto's pov
"So... You said you needed help with the satellite dish but you lied." I sweat dropped as I had climbed onto the roof with Amu's dad fully planning on fixing the satellite only to learn it's no broken. There must be another reason he called me up here then... Amu's dad gave me a stern look. "My daughter is special to me! She deserves a man that will protect her, care for her, treat her nicely, and love her till the ends of the earth!!!" I gulped. Does he know of our lie?!! His glare softened. "And I can tell that you are the right guy for her. You can protect her. I can tell you love her and she loves you. The way you both look at each other... I can see it in your eyes. She cares for you and you care for her which surprise me because my daughter is hard to approach." He explained.  My eyes widened. He sees love in our eyes?! My heart stops. Have we sold our act so well? No... It stopped being an act when I laid eyes on her. She may think it's an act but I love her and she's all I think about... I can't... I can't destroy her family... I just... Can't lie anymore.... I gulped. "Mr. Hinamori..."

Amu's pov
"What do you think they're talking about up there?" I asked mother as we looked out the window onto the roof. She shrugged. "He's probably either shooing him away or welcoming him in." She explained. I tightened my hands into a clasp. I hoped Ikuto is being accepted! As soon as he gets off that roof I'm telling him! I'm telling him the truth! I'm telling him how much I love him! That's it's not just an act anymore. He's made me fall in love with him! Sure it's only been a couple of days but I just... I know we're meant to be... My heart is telling me to chase after him. To chase after my dreams and Ikuto is my dream. Because I love him and I want to share these feelings with him. I want to warm his heart. I want to wake up next him everyday and see his smiling face. I want to taste his cooking. I want him to eat my meals every night. I want to live in a house with him and start a family. I want us to be together! My heart begins to pound and I dash outside just as they start coming down. Ikuto looks horribly sad. "Ikuto!!" I shout, running to him and hugging him. What a day!!! I pull back and am about to confess when he says the words. "I told your father the truth Amu..." He stated. My heart shatters. What? The truth about what?! "Wh-what?" I mutter. He pushes me away from him and my father looks at me. "He told me that you're little love is just an act so he can get money to pay back his debt to a highly best collecting company. Is that true Amu?" My dad looks heart broken. I gulp, tears welling up in my eyes. How could he say that?! How could he ruin... What it all just a game after all? Was o the only one who thought... I step further away from Ikuto, my eyes focused not the ground. "Yes, it's the truth..."

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