House wrecker!

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Normal pov
Amu sighed and glared at Ikuto all through breakfast. When they were done Amu sighed and looked at Utau. "Fine! I'll agree to this!" She finally accepted the plan. Utau cheered and Ikuto smirked. After wards Utau left and Ikuto followed Amu home. Once in her house he looked around. "Nice place you got here." Ikuto commented. Amu nodded. "Yeah, thanks, listen I have to go to my job so if you could just please not break anything or steal anything or touch anything or leave anything out!!? I don't want to come home to a messy house!!" She explained. Ikuto nodded. "Sure thing sweetheart." He smirked at her and winked. She scoffed and then left.

Ikuto's pov
Geez it's like she's trying to keep me confined in this huge house. 'Don't touch anything, don't leave things out, don't break anything...' come on! She has the nicest house I've ever seen and expects me not to touch anything?! I smirk and turn on the huge TV. I know I promised her I wouldn't leave it messy and I won't I'm just going to relax a bit before she comes home. Hmmm I wonder if there's anything to snack on... I get up and find but loads of food. Yes!!! It's my lucky day!!! Nice house and it's filled with food!! I grab everything I thought looked good and then went to sit on the couch. How could this day possibly get any better?! Suddenly my phone rings when I answer my stomach drops. "Hello Ikuto, where's the money?" Shit I completely forgot!!!

Amu's pov
When I come home my jaw drops. The TV was blasting loud and food crumbs were everywhere. Food was strung out all over the couch and Ikuto was nowhere to be found. "That ASSHOLE!!! He took advantage of me! I'm calling Utau right now!" My face filled with anger as I stomped over to my house phone. I suddenly slipped on a strawberry and landed straight on my back. I laid there complete done with life. Why? As if work wasn't hard enough! And then I come home to this!!? I hate this! This... This is why I live alone!!! Tears welded up. Today was ruff and to top it off Ikuto had to leave! He left me all alone to clean up his mess! That asshole! I say up and walked to the fridge pulling out the whipped cream. I also grabbed my bottle of wine and headed for my bedroom.

Ikuto's pov
When Easters men got done beating me I limped to Amu's house. I had told them about the plan I had with her and that in a couple of days I'd have the money. When I got to her house I could her music blaring. I raised an eyebrow and opened the door to see a very, very, messy house. Shit was that from me?! I could hear the song cherry bomb coming from a room down the hallway. I crept over to it quietly hoping it wasn't Easter again. I hope they didn't have Amu!!! Oh that's right she should be back from work soon!! It's like 4:30... Holy shit! It's 8:45!! Where does time go?! I opened the door slightly to see a sobbing Amu with no pants on, puffed and frizzy hair, only a shirt on, and a nearly gone bottle of wine. I sighed and opened the door. "Amu what the hell are you doing?!" I asked from my perch at the door way. She looked up at me from her spot on the floor, her legs spread out and her face with tears. I'd be lying if I said it didn't slightly turn me on. I mean she's in nothing but a shirt and underwear! Plus she's drunk! Although she is emotional so... kind of a turn off... "Ikuto? You came back!?" She struggled to stand up and wobbled over to me. "Is there more whipped cream in the fridge?!" She collapsed in my arms as she pointed past me down the hall. I sighed. Great, I get beat up by Easter and now I have a sexy drunk girl in my arms! "Amu, come on let's go to bed." I say hoping she'll agree and this nightmare of a day can be over! She lays her head on my shoulder. "No! More wine and whipped cream! I didn't come home from a hell of a job as a waitress to a hell of a messy house for nothing!" She cried. Whoa! She's a waitress?? Hmmm.. I wonder where she works? Whatever I'll ask her later, time to get her to bed! "No Amu, you can't have anymore wine and whipped cream. It's time to go to sleep! I promise to clean up all of the mess and food." I smiled down at her. She looked at me, her crying stopping as she did so. "You promise to get it all cleaned?!" She asked. Aw! How adorable! "Yes sweetheart." How am I going to survive this? I'm falling in love with this drunken! She lays her head back on my shoulder and smiles. "Your a good friend Ikuto. How come you have bruises everywhere?" She asked as she drew a circle around the still forming bruise on my hand. "I got in a fight with easter... Come on, let's get some rest shall we?" I asked. I didn't want her finding out just how dangerous Easter could be or why I really need money! She'd freak out and cancel the deal!! "Mmm... okay!" She bounced out of my arms and hopped into the bed. Geez, I got my hands full...

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