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Jungkook's mind swirled with emotions upon hearing Jayeon's cry

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Jungkook's mind swirled with emotions upon hearing Jayeon's cry.

His mind couldn't comprehend the situation. The only thing he knew was that she was gone with Jaemin for their school reunion or something.

He had no clue why she sounded so scared on the call.

But without wasting any time, he swiftly picked up his hood from the chair.

He was currently in Taemin's room. He was going to stay here as Jia insisted when she found out that no one was at his house.

Jia had always treated Jungkook as she treated Taemin and Jayeon.

Feeling an urgency in his chest, Jungkook hurriedly grabbed his bike's key from the table. The metallic jingle echoed in the room as he moved swiftly, towards the exit.

"Please get me" your words swirled around his head as he recalled how scared you sounded over the call.

Rushing to the garage, he fumbled with the lock, heart pounding with worry. The cool air outside hit him as he swung the garage door open, revealing his bike.

Jungkook swiftly hopped on his bike, the engine roaring as he twisted the keys. He kicked the stand away and, without a second thought, took off. He sped through the busy streets.

Within few minutes, Jungkook reached the alley where the club was situated, his eyes caught sight of Jayeon leaning against a tree. A mix of relief and concern washed over him.

Jayeon appeared shaken, and he quickly noticed scattered objects across her legs.

Jungkook parked the bike just beside her, the engine's sudden sound causing Jayeon to open her eyes.

Jungkook got off the bike with a swift motion, his movements filled with a sense of urgency. He removed his helmet, revealing a mix of worry and confusion.

Jayeon looked at him as he stood in front of her, a heavy silence lingering between them. Her eyes were teary, and he noticed the dry streaks of tears on her cheeks.

Jayeon never expected to be in this situation with him.

When she didn't make a move to speak, Jungkook bent down to pick up her scattered belongings. The sudden gesture startled Jayeon.

In a sudden shift, Jayeon moved backward, forgetting about the tree behind her. Her back collided with the rough bark, forcing her forward, and she was about to fall. A startled shriek escaped her lips. Acting swiftly, Jungkook reached out, gripping her legs gently to stabilize her.

Her hands instinctively gripped Jungkook's head for support as she balanced herself.

"Sorry," she uttered, looking down with embarrassment . Meanwhile, Jungkook, continued to pick up the scattered items from the ground.

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