High school sweetheart

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this is for you my love
written while on the floor
tears pouring like rain
and so here goes my heartbeats

i wish i didn't have to
say goodbye
but our parents keep us apart
we don't live on our on
we love them to death
but our separation is our death

i still hope one day
i'll answer your calls
without hiding in my closet
text you without hiding my smile
because you were always a jokester

maybe one day, just one day
i will hold you and call you mine
i pray you're not married then
because my kids need you
to be their daddy
i trust you to spoil them
you always lacked moral

until we meet again sweetheart
don't forget me later
remember my strong words
that even in sickness, death or poverty
i will love you until the last star
has lost it's shine

Risky Truths Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora