First Day at UA! (Chapter 3)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or MHA in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

"Talking": Naruto Nine Tail Speech

"[Talking]": Name of attack


Chapter 3: First Day at UA!

"You don't even need to receive a letter to know that you already passed the exams!" Mira pointed out as the rumors of Naruto absolutely dominating the entire Battle Center had reached both her and Daewi's ears. The acceptance letter was in Naruto's hands.

"I think it will be good to know how much one scored both in the entrance and the practical exams." Daewi chimed in giving his opinion on the matter as they watched as Naruto ripped open the envelope before a disc rolled on the table and stopped before projecting a recording.

"I am here as a projection!" All Might had shouted through the projection startling Mira who let out a scream and nearly raised her Bokken sword to split the entire disk in half only to be stopped by Daewi who let out a sweatdrop at this and let out a sigh.

"What kind of a human being goes around giving people jumpscare, that son of a bitch nearly gave me a heart attack!" Mira screamed some profanities at the number 1 Pro Hero but since this is a recording, he would never hear her colorful comments about his methods of introducing himself.

"So the rumors of All Might being a staff at UA is true." Daewi said, still holding back his girlfriend. It won't do them any good if she were to destroy the disc as they have yet to know the results even though it should be very obvious by now that Naruto passed.

"You three smile for the camera!" Kushina squealed as she and Minato held a camera and recorded everything. She would never let this chance go until she had recorded her son being accepted at UA High and she knew he did very well from what he told them.

"Sure, mom!" Naruto smiled back at his mother while he was given a thumbs up from his father who wore a proud smile already knowing that his son had done very well.

" may be wondering. What am I doing in a recording of your UA acceptance letter? Well...Truth be told, you're currently looking at the new UA faculty member." All Might had declared much to the surprise of just about everyone in the room.

"That's right, I'm going to be the new heroics teacher this year for both Class 1A and Class 1B...but that's beside the points." All Might said as he let out a cough and it was obvious that someone had been telling him to start to get to the point.

"I guess the symbol of peace is as flashy as he appears on the live TV." Said Minato with a smile, finding the behavior of the symbol of peace to be rather amusing and he didn't find any problem with the man. His friendly approach is something that never fails to put a smile on the faces of others.

"Young Uzumaki, I'd like to express how impressed I am right now. My other colleagues had also expressed the same sentiment. You not only scored 100 on the written exam but also passed the practical exam with flying colors." All Might said with a smile.

"But I'm sure you're more curious about how much you scored. So take a look at this." Shouted All Might as he pulled a remote and pointed it at a TV behind him displaying the UA logo.

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