Chapter 4

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You might ask... why do I keep writing this? Well, it's because I already wrote Chapter 7 which has hot spicy intercourse without deku (did i mention deku is a freaking nerd?) Oh yeah reminder: the characters in this chapter are consenting adults you freak.


not proofread bc i ain't readin allat. 


It's time, thought Midoriya as he entered the dorm he shared with Todoroki and Bakugo. After all this long, hard, glistening, throbbing work, I finally unlocked the technique that will allow me to finger Kacchan. As he toed off his shoes and stepped into the main living area, the smell of baking chocolate assaulted his nostrils.

"Oh, hey Midoriya!", greeted Todoroki from the kitchen. The half-and-half hero was adorned in a black-and-white maid outfit, complete with an apron, ears, and... a tail!?

That was kinda hot ngl.

Todoroki bent over, arching his back in 'accidental' seduction as he reached into the oven to pull out a tray of brownies, decorated with m&ms and fruit loops.

"That smells really good, Todoroki!" Deku complimented. "Can I try one?"

"Of course," replied the other. "As long as you wait for them to cool. I baked about 10 metric tons of THC into these though, so you'll have to restrain yourself."

Suddenly, a red-and-blond blur dashed from one of the rooms, crash landing on the large couch adjacent to the kitchen.

"What's up, nerds." the notorious couch-leaper asked.

"Hey Kacchan!", Midoriya said excitedly. "I, uh, have some good news!" He twiddled his fingers in anticipation.

"What is it?" Bakugo huffed, shifting slightly on the couch to peer at Midoriya through squinted eyes. Midoriya suddenly found the walls of their shared apartment very interesting.

"I may have... well, I learned a way that you can bust without, erm, actually busting a building."

"Well well well," Bakugo took on a devilish grin. "It looks like Deku is actually good for something after all." He stood up and turned to face Todoroki. "Hey you overripe celery stalk! I'm gonna be having sexual intercourse with your boyfriend!"

"Okay you annoying explosive nitwit (I copied and pasted this from" Todoroki sighed. "Go have fun, I'll let you guys know when the brownies are cool."

"Oh, I will have so much fun you heterochromatic tradwife!" He quipped.

"Bakugo," Midoriya paused with a quizzical expression. "Todoroki-senpai-kun-chan isn't hetero...?"

"Deku, are you autistic?" Asked Bakugo incredulously.

"No, I'm masochistic." He said bluntly.

"I swear to the All-Mighty (SEE? PUNNY!). Shut up and get in the bedroom so you can finger my asshole." Bakugo gritted his teeth in annoyance. Todoroki just waved goodbye from the kitchen, rolling his eyes at the pair.

Man, Kacchan sure is acting weird today. I guess he's just excited to sext me irl!

Bakugo opened the door to his bedroom, grabbing onto Midoriya's shirt to pull him inside. As he shut the door, Deku noticed the soft glow of red LED lights. The tune of 'Careless Whisper", which was being played on a Pyle Pro Vintage Turntable (with the horn of course), filled the air.

"Aight Deku. Time to fulfill my repressed homosexual desires." Said Kacchan. The hint of a smile graced his features. In a moment of vulnerability, he dropped his 'angry hero' façade to express his true repressed feelings. He had lived his whole life repressing them, but Midriya brought out a whole new side of him that just felt... right.

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