Ch. 2 : In The Palace Harem.

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Mao Mao's POV


"I want meat skewers from the stall...", I said as I look up to the sky, it's been three months.

" I wonder if Dad's eating well", I said as I started walking, 'im not sure if we was sold off or ransomed, but annoyingly,it's already been three months'I thought.

'The palace and the brothels are really similar', 'if I had a choice, i'd have nothing to do with the rear palace,ever. But... '

"Well, what can I do, now that me and Hao Mao are here? " I sighed, before start walking again, 'i was living a pretty good life,as an apothecary,Hao Mao too, And now... The rear palace is a garden of women who are to give birth to the emperor's children.', I thought.

'No men are allowed to enter. The only people allowed in here are the emperor, his kin, and eunuchs, "formerly male" individuals who lost an important part of their body'.

'It's a huge collective of two thousand concubine and servants, and one thousand eunuchs. ', 'unlike the high, mid, and low-ranking concubines, we serving girls are expendable and can lose our lives at any moment. '

'Next in line are the shut-in low-ranking concubines.', 'I guess, at the very least, I got paid'.

"Hey, Mao Mao... ", I open my eyes, " do you know which room this plate is for? "She asked me with tears in her eyes.

" oh. This one is Wisteria-9, so over there"I guided, "thank you! " she said as she takes off.

'Many of the servants are illiterate. In order to work in the rear palace, they're taught the bare minimum essentials of etiquette.' I thought.

'But reading a writing is a whole different story. The raise me and Hao Mao would get for being literate would just get swiped by our kidnappers. ' I thought.

'That said, even servants like us could become low-ranking concubines. ', 'what's key is... Looks. 'I thought.

'Freckles, flat, given our skin-and-bones look, that's not applicable to us. ', I thought kicking a rock in my way.

'If I stood out, my life would be at risk. I'm better off just laying low', 'all I have to do is work hard. I'll be out in two years. 'I thought.

"I need a drink", I said.


" hey, did you hear? ", I look up, " huh? ", " I heard there's a super beautiful eunuch in the central area. "She whispered.

" who? "I heard Hao Mao asked from behind, we look up to see Hao Mao was done washing.

" I don't know, but everyone's been talking about him! "She whispered again, " oh"me and Hao Mao said in unison.

"I'd like to get a glimpse of him, if he's so handsome! " she talked normally now, "am I right? " she asked us.

Hao Mao just shrugged, "a eunuch, huh? " I said.


(just look at the anime at around seven minutes, than boom! You'll see the long dark purple haired boy! Our Jinshi! )


Hao Mao's POV

"They're only three months and six months old, right? ", " yeah, both the prince and princess Lingli... "I heard two girls behind us said.

" is it really a curse?! "She shout quietly, " hee? ", " what are you talking about exactly? "Mao Mao said.

" you guys didn't hear?"she asked, we shook our head, "the entire rear palace is buzzing about this rumor. " she said.

"The deaths of all the heirs born in the rear palace! " she whispered yelled, "all three of the emperor's children born so far grew weak and passed away! " she whispered yelled again.

I raised my brow, 'really?'I thought, "doesn't that seems weird?! " she asked, "all three? " me and Mao Mao asked.

"And looks like the same thing's happening now. " she said, "you mean they're unwell? " Mao Mao said.

"Yes! And this time, the doctor went to visit both Lady Gyokuyou and Lady Lihua! " she said, 'could it be... Poisons? Hmm... Maybe... But how?... 'I thought.

(Hullo!!! Thanks for reading this!!! I'm sorry it's so short!!! Gomen!! I'll try making it longer next time!!! Peace! ❤👈😘)

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