Ch. 4 : The White Powder.

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Mao Mao's POV

'Barely a month passed before word got around', 'that the prince had passed away. 'I thought as I look at my water.

I sighed quietly.


Jinshi's POV

"it's seems like you have a question for me. " Gyokuyou said, "is that... " I said.

"The day I visited the Crystal Pavilion to ask to have my daughter examined, I found this on the windowsill, tied to this branch. " Gyokuyou said.

"A Rhododendron. " I said, "the white face powder is poison. Don't let the baby touch it. " Gyokuyou said.

"It truly is a sin to be ignorant" Gyokuyou said again, "the palace physician would not take such a roundabout approach" I said.

"Agreed.he never could seem to figure out how to treat the prince." Gyokuyou said, "who could have sent this message? " I asked.

"I'd like you to find out" Gyokuyou said, 'coming to think of it, back then... 'I thought.

"If only I could find something to write with...", " how about your skirt? ".

I chuckled a bit as I put my finger to my chin, Gyokuyou seems quite confused.

" understood. ", " may I keep this for the time being? "I asked.

Hao Mao's POV

" I heard the emperor is visiting Lady Gyokuyou a lot, to show his love for the surviving princess. ", What about Lady Lihua? " me and nee-san asked.

"Haven't heard anything about her. ", nee-san sighed, " how convenient. "Nee-san said.

" oh, there you are. "I heard someone said, I look to my right, " you are to report to the Matron of the Serving Women immediately "heh? " nee-san said confused.

"You guys are being summoned? ", "how strange... " I said quietly.

"For what, I wonder? " Nee-san said.


Mao Mao's POV

"Alright, all of you who've gathered here, head inside. ".

'Serving girls getting summoned by the high officials can't be a good news.. 'I thought as we start walking.

'Or do they just want more workers? 'I thought as we head inside.

" thank you all for coming. " an arrogant looking woman said, 'who is this arrogant-looking woman? 'I thought.

'Ehh? Or is it a male? Because all the girls here is blushing towards him.. 'I thought.

"I am Jinshi, manager of the rear palace. " he said, Jinshi? Oke...

Hao Mao's POV

'Ohh, it's the man from before... 'I thought.

I saw he look at someone then gave a faint nod.

I look at Nee-san, she look confused, probably thinking that whether that Jinshi is a woman or a man.

I slightly giggled at Nee-san's action, I look at him again, 'ohh, maybe he is the eunuch that Xiaolan was talking about! How smart of me! 'I thought.

'Why is everyone blushing around him, he isn't that handsome-' I thought.

Ehh? He is writing something?

He put up a paper, 'you with freckles, stay here' it reads.

'Is he targeting us?... Wait... Wait! Me and Nee-san is the only one who can read here! Shit! We are also the only one who have freckles?! This is bad... 'I thought as I look down.

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