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So, just to kind of repeat and further explain what this is!

I have several drafts for JJK fanfics I'm writing, or several ideas for ones I want to write but haven't started yet. None of them are very complete, most of which only having the first few chapter written (if any at all).

I'm not sure what stories I want to actually publish online and what ones to keep in my google docs and write for myself...

I would love if you guys could let me know which ones you'd like to see published!

Also, I would love some feedback (if criticism, please be constructive)! I would love to know if you guys have any suggestions about the writing or the story, or if you guys have any ideas to add to the actual plot (because I might actually add them if they work!)!

For the ones that have at least one chapter done, I'll post the first chapter! I'll also give some other info about it. I would appreciate if you guys let me know if it's interesting enough that you would read it. For some of the stories I don't have a chapter written for, I'll just post the general ideas and such! I'll also add a section at the very end for slight spoilers for the story! These are things that are meant to come up in later chapters, but they're important to understanding the plot! (Please feel free to skip this part if you would want to read the story spoiler-free. I'm just adding it to see if it might help you guys decide if the story should be posted or not.)

Warning! A lot of the stories may have repetitive things in them! That's one of the main reasons why I'd like to filter through them with your guys' help!

SPOILER WARNING! So, I've read the first 190 chapters of the manga (I read it as it gets released as an actual volume then translated in English, so I'm only that far). To start, I would like it if you guys could kindly NOT spoil anything that happens in the manga (especially after the point that I'm at!). If a story has any manga spoilers, I'll add a warning on that specific story. For now, the most spoilers you'll get is from the second season of the anime, and maybe a couple of the things that happen after (again, I'll give a warning when that's the case). I would like for this to remain a safe, SPOILER FREE place!

Also, most of these stories will NOT be romance stories! No 'this character x that character' unless specified at the beginning! (I only have one that's like that anyway, and I don't even have the idea written yet, so yeah)

If you think one of the story ideas is good, but the way I wrote the first chapter could be better, feel free to suggest I rewrite it (and provide feedback so I can improve it)!

Also, if anyone would be willing to collaborate with me to write a story, whether it be with providing ideas or revising the chapters before I post them, please feel free to contact me! I wouldn't mind the help!

And now, with that really long a/n out of the way, on to the stories!

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