Untitled Story 1

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(This story doesn't have a title yet. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions!)

Summary/General idea: Kamiko has always been able to see them, the monsters, but her parents never believed her until it was too late. And now, 'blessed' with a cursed technique she never wanted, she's being forced into the world of Jujutsu. (The story follows cannon kinda but with an addition)

Note: I kind of wanted to experiment a bit with this one, that's why I even decided to write it. I'm going to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with it, since I only have some ideas.

Chapters (as of February 8th, 2024): 2 finished, 1 in progress (3 total)

Status: Not Published

Chapter 1: Sea of Blood

"Hey mama?" "Yes Kamiko-chan?" "What's that weird creature over there? Why is it staring at me? Why do they all stare at me?" "What creature, sweetheart?" "That one, over there, next to the light." "There's nothing there." "But I see it. I see them all the time. I know it's there." "Don't worry, it's all in your imagination. I can't see any weird creatures. They aren't real, so they can't hurt you." "But-" "You four-year-olds really do have such active imaginations. It's not a bad thing, but try not to scare yourself too much, okay? Mommy can assure you that there are no monsters here. You're safe."


"Hey dad?" "What's wrong Kamiko?" "Well, it's just... Do you see them?" "See what?" "The monsters. They don't get close to our house, but there are always a few of them hanging out outside. Like that one on the sidewalk." "There's nothing there." "But I can see it clearly. It's there. I know it's there." "Kamiko, you're not four anymore. You're nine. I think it's time you stop imagining monsters following you everywhere." "But I really do see them..." "Kamiko... Listen, if you are seeing scary monsters that none of us can see, and they're making you uncomfortable, maybe we should go talk to someone about your mental state. They might be able to help you stop seeing them." "...No. It's fine. You're right, it must just be my imagination."


"Kamiko! You're covered in cuts and bruises! What happened?" "Mom... They were chasing me today. Normally they just sit and stare, but they were chasing me today. I got scared so I ran, and I tripped and got hurt. They didn't stop until I reached the yard." "Who? Who was chasing you?" "Them." "Are you talking about those monsters again?" "..." "Kamiko, you're thirteen now. You shouldn't still be seeing imaginary monsters. And now you've gotten hurt because of this... Maybe it's time you go see a doctor. This isn't healthy." "Mom, I swear they're real! One of them almost grabbed me, and I really did feel like I was in danger! It's not in my head, I know it's not!" "Kamiko...-" "I'm sorry. Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep last night or something."


"Kamiko, are you sure you don't want to talk to someone? We understand this must be really scary for you, especially since you're only fifteen, but there are people that can help you." "It's okay dad. I'm sorry to worry you." "Kamiko, this has gone beyond just affecting you mentally... You come home hurt several times per month. It's only a matter of time before you get yourself seriously injured. Me and your mother are just worried about you. We don't know what it is you're seeing, and we don't know how to help you." "It's okay. It's all in my head, right? I just hurt myself from falling. It's really not a big deal..." "But if you're falling so often because you feel like you're being chased by monsters, it becomes a bit of a bigger deal." "I'm sorry. I'll try to be more careful." "Kamiko..." "Really, I'm fine. Thank you for being worried about me, though. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll stop seeing things eventually, so for now, I just want to sort out my feelings about it on my own." "...Okay. But let us know if we can do anything for you." "I will. Thank you."

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