Untitled Story 3

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(My newest one, also maybe kind of written so late at night that I was sleepy while writing)

Summary/General idea: Kagami Yumeko was not a very lucky person. Born with a body that was constantly hating her yet having to take care of her younger sister despite it. It was difficult. All it takes a run in with death to make her realise just how bad it is.

Note: Yet another victim of me wanting to try a new way of starting a story...

Chapters (as of February 8th, 2024): 2 complete, 1 in progress (3 total)

Status: Not Published

Chapter 1: Encounter with Death

No one knows how they're going to die, but I never expected it would be like this. I didn't wake up this morning with the thought of 'oh, well I guess today is going to be my last day'. If I had, I probably would have stayed in bed. Maybe went outside to visit that stray cat that likes to visit.

If I had known I was going to die, I never would have wasted the day like I did. I would have eaten foods I like, instead of the cheap foods I got on the way. I would have spoken to people I care about instead of the ones I can't stand.

But, I guess it was never up to me. If I had the choice, I wouldn't be dying right now anyway. This is how life is, and this is how it ends. With a flash of pink and black.

Wait, that doesn't seem right...


Today was just like any other for Kagami Yumeko. Despite her exhaustion, she dragged herself out of bed at 7:13 in the morning. She slept an extra thirteen minutes already, she couldn't use any more than that.

She still had time to do everything she needed to do this morning, even if only barely. She got up and started making breakfast. She didn't make anything big, because she doesn't have the time, nor the money.

"Yumeko-Oneesan, did you sleep in again?" Kagami Nuriko asked as she sleepily rubbed at her eyes, clearing the water that had formed due to a yawn.

"I still woke up before you..." Yumeko mumbled to herself before addressing her seven-year-old sister. "Breakfast is almost ready. Eat up and get changed."

Nuriko nodded, lifting herself onto one of the dining room chairs that was just a bit too tall for her. Not even a minute later, Yumeko brought two plates of food out and placed them on the table, one for her sister and one for herself.

Both girls ate their food quickly before changing into their uniforms to go to school. Even though the elementary school was at the opposite side of town as the highschool, Yumeko still managed to drop off her sister then rush to make it to class on time.

'Three minutes early,' she thought as she sat at her desk, taking a moment to catch her breath. She's gotten quite used to this routine by now, even having memorised the fastest route to get here, but it was still a lot for her. She wasn't exactly given the healthiest of bodies, after all.


"Hey! Broken Mirror, are you listening!?" No. No she wasn't listening. She didn't want to deal with this today. She had started feeling a bit unwell during class, so she just wanted to spend her lunch break in peace, preferably resting in an isolated place.

"Yurina-san, I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood to deal with you today." Yumeko responded tiredly, looking away to show her disinterest.

Yurina's face grew red with fury. "Hey! Don't look away while I'm talking to you! You should feel honoured I'm even gracing your pathetic existence with my presence." Oh so honoured.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 09 ⏰

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