1. Beginning

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The owner of one of the largest corporations in New York -"JK IT" is lying on his king-size bed and staring at the ceiling. In the depths of a luxurious mansion, with its own garden, fountain and swimming pool, his callous soul hides. His room is filled with cigarette smoke and the aroma of cherry beer, his heart – with cruelty and coldness. No wonder why his employees call him the ice king. He does not choose words and does not consider the feelings of others. He can fire someone just because he is in a bad mood today.

Jungkook is like a beautiful cover of a fashion magazine with moldy pages inside. The 25-year-old boy knew from an early age that he would inherit the management of his father's corporation. His entire future life was planned in advance. Money, fame, fancy restaurants, his own plane, models that he changes as easily as expensive brand suits. He can afford anything he wants. The only thing he cannot influence is his ice-covered heart, which neither the warm sun in the Maldives nor a hot blonde can melt. Love? What kind of bullshit. He has no time for such nonsense. Jungkook is quite content to live according to his usual routine, in which there is no room for some kind of love shit. Girls for one night - that's what fits his lifestyle. Of course, he will need to hand over the management of the corporation to someone as an inheritance at some point, but he will think about that later. After 30. Right now, he'll open another can of cherry beer and will turn on some popular pop crap at full volume.


"Miya, make me some coffee and...call Greg to my office" - Jungkook grumbled to his secretary, heading to the office.

"Yes sir, of course" - Miya replied with a fake smile.

Greg knocked on the door. He has been Jungkook's assistant for many years and is also his best friend. This is his only friend who accepts his evil nature and tolerates his antics.

"Yeah Greg, come in" - Jungkook sighed, staring at his laptop.

"I have prepared the documents you requested. And I was also contacted by Oliver, they want to renew the contract with us" - Greg uttered in one breath

"This is all very well, of course, but I have more important things to do right now. "IR" wants to start cooperation with us. We have to develop a system of information exchange for them. You know their reputation in the market. We can't lose this chance and screw it up. We have to complete this project 100 percent"

"Seriously? Oh, this is a cool chance. Don't worry, we have enough good specialists to do it " - Greg looked interested. This company is owned by one of the most powerful people in America. And the information exchange system is not an easy task, if there is a leak of any important documents, "JK IT" will be destroyed. And they knew it.

"Understanding the scope and importance of the project, I myself will lead it and monitor the stages of implementation. And so that there is less leakage of information, one person will take care of the project. I want to impress our partners. I need fresh views and ideas. Our employees are definitely professional, but I need something different"- Jungkook thought and then continued, turning the laptop screen to Greg:

"Look, this is a project developed by "IT EE", you know them, this is a small company that has never been our competitor. However, this project is perfect. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, including unique design. I've never seen anything like this before. I'm sure it was designed by one person. Find me that person. І want this person to work here".

"Of course, something else? " – Greg asked, watching as Miya brought coffee and put it on the table.

"Yes, book me a vip room in the club for the evening. I want to relax" - Jungkook smirked.


The next few days were relatively quiet. Jungkook worked on the company's strategic development plan, and in the evenings he burned his lungs with alcohol with the taste of freshly kissed lips of some beauties whose names he does not even know.

He was sitting in his office when he received a call from Greg.

Greg: "Hey, not busy?"

JK: "What happened?"

Greg: "I was just on "IT EE" and you were right, that project was indeed developed by one person. And this girl is Eva Everton"

JK: "A girl? Hah, interesting. Arrange a meeting for us. Call her to the office. I will conduct an interview and offer her working conditions that she will not be able to refuse"

Greg: "Of course. Will it be convenient for you in the evening, at 6? She finishes work at 5"

JK: "Yes, let it be 6"

Greg: "Okay then"

Greg hung up and Jungkook lost in thought. He was sure that the girl could not develop such a complex and detailed project on her own. Eva Everton? Some familiar name. Only he could not remember where he heard it.

He spent the rest of the day working on the strategic plan and the time was ticking up to 6.

"Sir, Miss Eva Everton has arrived" - Miya informed him.

"Let her in" - he looked away from the monitor as his gaze froze. An incredibly beautiful girl entered the office. Gentle facial features, plump lips, toned body. Her long brown hair fell over her delicate shoulders. She also held her gaze on him. At that moment, he felt some strange jolts in his stomach. Apparently, his dead and drowned in cherry beer butterflies began to come to life, as if someone had put them in intensive care. He could not control his body, which was undergoing some previously unknown processes. Her facial features seemed familiar. But he is sure that if he had seen her before, he would not have been able to forget her. Her voice snapped him out of his trance.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Remember who I am? " - the girl spoke to him. It was clear that she was saying this with anger. "So you are the owner of this corporation? When I heard your name, I thought it was just a coincidence. Apparently, your corporation is as rotten as you are"

He looked at her with a confused look:

"What? Why are you talking to me like that? Who are you? What are you allowing yourself, you little .."

"Oh, you don't remember me. It's interesting, I thought it was impossible to forget the face of the person you mercilessly destroyed"

He looked at her and did not understand what she was talking about. And then... he remembered. Eva Everton. A little nerd who wore old tattered sneakers and hideous glasses. The same girl he used to bully at school. He had long since forgotten about it. He was just a kid and wanted to appear cool. And she was the perfect victim. Because she was poor. No one could stand up for her, so he played with her as his own toy. He got up from the chair and went in her direction:

"Oh, Eva. Havent see you for a long time. Are you seriously still resentful of me? Come on, we were kids. Times have changed, don't hold a grudge against me. You see, I own a corporation. I can offer you very favorable conditions. I'll pay you 5 times more than that crappy company of yours" - he paused and then continued standing a few meters away from her: "I need your skills. I would never have thought that it was you, you have changed a lot"

She looked at him with malice and uttered in one breath:

"You know, I have really changed. I will never allow jerks like you to manipulate me and humiliate me like I did at school. You're right, we were kids, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a cruel jerk. You have no idea what I went through. You ruined my life. It took me a long time to come to my senses after your beatings and abuse. No amount of money will make me work with scum like you"

She turned and left the office, leaving him in silent shock. He did not know what to answer. He really was scum. However, he was not used to not getting what he wanted. Jungkook returned to his chair. Unknown feelings were fighting in him. A mix of desire and anger. He muttered to himself:

"Hah, babygirl. You don't know what I'm capable of. You're so damn beautiful, it makes me angry"

Аnd so began the seemingly impossible process of melting his icy heart.

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