3. I drowned in you

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Eva returned to his office with her things. In a room as gray as his empty soul, there is a new desk with a laptop - her new workplace.

"So there's a folder on the desktop with all the details of the project in there. We can't let the information leak. And also, the system has to be as reliable as a bulletproof vest. This company pays us big money for it. If we screw up, we're done." - Jungkook said to Eva from his seat.

She looked at him angrily and got down to work. The girl opened the folder and began to familiarize herself with the details.

"At the end of each day you will report back to me on your progress. Also, I can come over at any time and check what you are up to" - he was still staring at her with a slight smile.

She sighed and started her work. Jungkook also continued to work on the strategic plan. But from time to time, he openly stared at her. She looks so graceful tapping her fingers on the keyboard, and she frowns so cutely when she's concentrating. Abruptly, he stood up and headed towards her. The boy leaned over her laptop so that their faces were inches apart. Eva froze, breathing in the scent of his perfume. He turned and looked her in the eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" - She got up from the chair

"I'm just enjoying the view" - he smiled faintly.

"Are you out of your mind? I take it you don't need my help anymore?" - she grabbed her bag.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I just..I wanted to check the work. I joked. Don't get the joke? I won't do it again if you react like that" - he grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

Jungkook ran his eyes over the screen, assessing the scale of the work done.

"Hmm, you've drawn up a scheme, it looks promising. I wasn't wrong to trust you with this project" - he said with a serious look and returned to his chair.

The working day is coming to an end. Eva did a good job today, and she even liked it. This project is not usual and therefore requires extraordinary solutions. She likes this kind of work, she feels how she can implement her skills and make a revolutionary model. One that no one has done before.

And if she was completely immersed in work, then he did not do even a tenth of what he should have done. All his thoughts were occupied with her. The girl who burst into his cold heart as quickly as the first ray of the sun in the morning, dispelling his darkness and illuminating his world. She hates him, he - indescribably desires her.

When the work day was over, she packed her things and left his office without saying a word.Eva was mentally and physically exhausted, all she wanted was to find herself at home as soon as possible, in her warm but so lonely bed.

However, on the way out of the building, she heard someone calling her:

"Hey Eva, can we talk? I won't take much time. Please" - he breathed deeply, probably because he was running after her.

"Speak, I'm listening" - she answered indifferently.

"Hey, I don't want you to hold a grudge against me. I know I was a terrible idiot. It disgusts me that I could do such things to you. Forgive me. You can't be offended forever, can you? Moreover, we now have to work together. I really appreciate your skills. You are a great employee. What should I do to make you forgive me? - he spoke in one breath, waiting for an answer.

Eva froze. He seems to be saying this from the bottom of his heart, but she still can't help herself. It hurts her to touch the past, because as soon as she transports herself to her school years, she wants to scream from the pain that became one with her bones, from the disgusting memories that move along with the blood in her veins. However, she was tired of these feelings. Maybe it's really worth turning this page and moving on?

"Stop treating me like your toy. And stop calling me babygirl! There should be a purely working relationship between us. Stop playing your obscure games. I will be frank, your corporation is really at the top. You're not that stupid, since you were able to reach such heights. Of course, money decides, but without brains it is nothing" - she stopped and then continued - "I will forgive you. But not for your sake, but for my. I will stop keeping these disgusting feelings in my heart." - she turned around and headed further.

He wanted to say something, but she had already left. He feels lousy, but this is at least one step towards making her stop hating him. He understands that it will be almost impossible to make her fall in love with him. But he is not going to give up what made him bring at least some meaning to his life.

Jungkook got into his Range Rover and drove to his mansion, to get lost in the garden of despair.

This is how the next two weeks passed. Nothing special. They are just colleagues. More precisely, the boss and his employee. They communicated purely on work issues. And he sincerely admired her skill. However, his thoughts did not leave him. Why he reacts to her in such a way? That there is something in this stubborn girl that irrevocably locks his cruel inside somewhere deep in his soul. Yes, she is definitely very attractive. Usually this was his only criteria for choosing girls for one night. But she...despite her indifference towards him and cold behavior, attracts him with her whole being. Her movements, facial expressions, voice, her mind, her outlook on life, her smell. He drowned completely.

Eva also calmed down her angry thoughts. She works in a cool company on an interesting project, and he is just her boss. She often notices how he looks at her, it's impossible not to feel the gaze that devours you. But she doesn't care, she decided to focus on her career and earning money. She doesn't care about him. Probably. Still, she can't dismiss the fact that he's incredibly attractive. However, there is nothing behind this beauty. So she just continues to go with the flow of her life.

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