9. I breathe you

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They arrived at his mansion. He parked the car and got out first to open the door for her and give her a hand.

"Wow, you didn't spare the money for the mansion and the territory. Although, why be surprised, you even have your own plane" - said Eva in surprise

Jungkook walked up to her and hugged her from the back as she looked around his apartment. He placed his chin on top of her head: "Do you want me to buy you a plane? This is not a problem. Just say it. I will buy you anything you want"

"I don't need a plane or anything to be happy. And you know it" - Eva smiled.

"I know" - he whispered quietly.

"Come on, I'll show you something" - Jungkook took her hand and led her to the backyard of the house. There was a telescope which stood on a special platform."I bought it to look at the stars and planets. They always reminded me of people. They shine so brightly and then fade in an instant"

Eva shrugged and giggled: "You remind me more of a black hole"

"What?"- Jungkook began to laugh lightly

"Your gravity is so strong that I can't leave you anymore" - said the girl, looking up at the sky.

He came up and hugged her: "You are my very brightest star. You shine so brightly that I am blind. But even being blind, I will still find the way to you"

They stood for several minutes hugging and enjoying each other's company.

"Do you want to look through the telescope?" - Jungkook asked, moving away from her and began to adjust the device.

The girl nodded and came closer looking at the stars in the sky: "Oh my, how beautiful it is. Perhaps buying a telescope was the best decision"

He stood and admired her, as if it were the most expensive and rare picture.

When Eve had looked at the stars enough, they went inside the mansion, as it was already getting colder outside. He led her into the kitchen and made hot tea.

"Thank you" - Eva began to sip tea sitting at the bar table in his kitchen - "So you live here alone?"

"Um.. yes. The cleaners, garden workers and the cook sometimes come here. I live here alone....But I hope... that I won't live here alone" - he smiled and lowered his head as he sat down on the bar stool next to her.

"Oh, and with whom?" - Eva finished her tea and placed the cup on the table.

Jungkook leaned forward and placed his hands on either side of her bar stool, then pulled the chair closer so that she was right next to him: "With one very attractive person..."

"Oh really? Damn, I envy her" - she said in a teasing voice.

The next second he pulled her closer and kissed her. His hands began to move along her back as he kissed her passionately. He couldn't get enough of the moment. It was not enough. He wanted her all. He lifted her so that she wrapped her legs around his torso and headed for his room without breaking the kiss.

He placed her on the bed and continued to kiss her passionately until she dug her hands into his back and began to moan softly into the kiss.

"I don't want to rush things, princess. But it's too late for me to stop" - he spoke into the kiss.

"No one is telling you to stop" - she answered

He moved away from her and took off his shirt . Then he helped her get rid of her clothes, kissing every inch of her body at the same time. She remained only in her underwear, but not for long. He began to kiss her neck as his hands slowly moved to the clasp of her bra.

He removed it with one movement and moved away from her, looking into her eyes: "You are so incredible, how can such perfect people even exist"

She was embarrassed and lowered her head as if hiding herself. He lifted her head by the chin and said: "Hey. You are perfect. Do you hear me? You are all perfect. Уou make me lose my mind"

He pulled her in and kissed her again. During the kiss, he carefully began to remove the last item of underwear from her.He moved away and got out of bed to free himself from his clothes. While he was doing this he was looking at her. She was completely naked. He was hypnotized. What he feels now is incomparable to any girl he has ever slept with. And what's more, they haven't even started.

He bent down and placed himself between her legs, gently spreading her knees with his hands. He leaned over her and kissed her tenderly, while slowly entering her. Eva moaned into the kiss. He continued to kiss her for a few more seconds before pulling away, adding speed to his movements. His hips pounded against her faster and faster, and each time Eve moaned louder. He was breathing heavily as his hands explored her body and squeezed her breasts.

"I love you so much" - he growled, continuing to beat out of her moans that were so sweet to his ears.

Eve was completely immersed in the process and clouded with feelings: "Oh, I...I"

"Come on princess, do it for me" - he barely uttered, approaching his own peak of pleasure.

A few more movements and they dissolved in pleasure screaming each other's names. He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily.

"Eva....You are so damn incredible. I want to touch every cell of your body, I want to feel you next to me every second of my life" - he whispered in her ear.

She smiled and ran her hand over his cheek: "Me too...I love you"

He smiled and a tear rolled down his cheek: "You know, I thought I wasn't worthy of love. Of your love. I was always cold and rude. But with you, I understood what it is like when someone's comfort and safety is more important than yours. I promise you that you will be happy. Because then I will be happy too. Because you are my happiness"

He kissed her on the cheek and covered them with a sheet.

"Can you give me a t-shirt? I'm going to take a shower" - Eva asked.

"Of course, take everything you want in this house. Everything that is mine is yours" - he smiled

Eva went to shower, while Jungkook was lying in bed and couldn't believe what was happening. For the first time in his life, he was loved.

Eva returned to bed and they lay in each other's arms. The room was quiet, only their breathing in unison interrupted this silence. Suddenly Jungkook started talking.

"Eva...you are everything I never thought I needed..I need you..I want you..I love you. I won't stop telling you how perfect you are" - he gently pressed his lips to her forehead.

"These are the most magical words that anyone ever said to me"- she whispered

Finally, his room is filled with the smell of love instead of cherry beer and cigarette smoke. Finally, the pages of his journal are not moldy...but covered with flowers. His heart is not locked behind icy bars. His lungs are finally breathing. And the heart is beating. For her.

The bloom of cold loveWhere stories live. Discover now