Chapter 3

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Camera focused on his rather unorthodox fighting form, you snapped plenty of nice pictures as he took down at least a dozen thugs.

"He doesn't even seem to be having a problem handling any of them," You murmur, watching him just before he disappears into the building. You set your camera down, peering into the windows, trying to see the merc in action. Nothing. 'Damn tinted windows,' You think grumpily. Checking your phone for the time you let out a sigh. As you're about to put it away, it starts to ring.

"Yeah?" You huff.

"___, it's Peter... I was just wondering if you found a place to stay yet?" He asks. Your eyes flicker up at the building Deadpool had disappeared into.

"Something like that, why?" You reply.

"Your apartment complex is on fire," He answers.

"... That's not funny Pete," You say, certain he was lying.

"No, really, someone blew up the whole building," He replies.

"Spiderman is slacking off dammit," You grumble.

"Spiderman was on the other side of the city," He says defensively.

"Well.... Damn that sucks," You sigh.

"Who are you staying with any ways?" He asks. "Um.... Some guy I met yesterday.... WOW that sounded bad...." You huff.

"I don't like the sound of that... Why don't you come and stay with me and aunt May until you find another place?" He offers.

"Ill think about it, but Deadpool isn't so bad- Oh, gott go!" You say as Deadpool crashes out a window. Swiftly hanging up, you snap some more pics, and even get an epic one of him walking up as the building explodes.

"Hey babe, you get some good pics?" He asks, rather upbeat. You nod,

"My boss is going to be very happy," You tell him. Your phone starts to ring again and you just know it's Peter.

"Yeah?" You sigh, answering your phone.

"I'm just making sure I heard you right.... Did you say Deadpool?" Peter asks.

"um..." you move your cell to your breasts and look at Deadpool.

"Give me a name," You tell him. He thinks for a moment before taking the cell from you.

"Wade here! What can I do for ya?" He asks cheerfully. He goes silent, listening intently (surprisingly).

"Oh! Hey! Don't worry I'll play nice as long as she does-" You point your pistol between his shoulders.

"Sure! Come visit anytime!..... Alright, bye!" He says before hanging up.

"Wade?" You echo, raising an eyebrow as he hands you your phone.

"Yes babe?" he cooes.

"That's a strange name," You comment starting for the apartment.

"It's common actually.... Hey! Lets go get some tacos!" He says, putting a hand on your shoulder and pointing at a taco stand.

"You go ahead, I need to check on something," You tell him. He pauses and shrugs,

"Suit yourself," He says, heading for the stand.

You look at the rubble of your old apartment, frowning heavily with your arms folded.

"Should I consider myself lucky?" You mutter, tilting your head.

"I swear I didn't do that," A familiar voice says beside you. You look over to see Deadpool also looking at the rubble.

"I believe you," You sigh. He shifts,

"So does this mean you're staying with me longer?" He asks.

"Actually, my friend says I can stay with him," You reply turning to him.

"Aww! Come on! Stay with me babe! I'll make it worth your while!" He says swiftly. You shift eyes narrowing.

"Well... If my boss needs more pictures of you...." You trail off.

"Yes! This is gonna be so much fun!" He gushes, hugging you suddenly.

"Deadpool," You growl, taking out your pistol. He releases you at that,

"Of course that's as long as I don't get shot," He chuckles.

"That depends on you," You reply.

"Oh yeah, I got you a taco," He says holding up a bag.

"Thanks, you didn't have to," You say, taking it.

"Lets head back, I forgot to feed the hamsters," He says, leading you back toward his apartment.

"You have hamsters?" You question, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep! You're gonna love the little guys!" He chimes.


"Um.... Are they foaming at the mouth?" You ask, looking into the tank.

"Yep!" He says cheerfully,

"They're for my rabid hamster gun," He says.

"You really are crazy..." You mutter, straightening up. His phone began to go off, drawing your gaze to it.

"Hello?.... Where?... Nope........So Arizona?....Alright I'll go kill him!" He says cheerfully before hanging up. He turns to you, "Looks like I'm going to be gone for a day or two.... Try not to miss me too much," He jokes. You roll your eyes,

"Have fun, er, Wade," You scoff.

He suddenly hugs you, "Aw! I'm gonna miss you too!" He chuckles.

"Go before I shoot you," You sigh. He chuckles and goes to his room for a bit.

"Oh, try not to blow up my apartment while I'm gone," He says, coming back out with a satchel. You shoot at him making him jump but chuckle.

"Bye Babe!" He laughs before leaving. Once the door was closed, you let yourself laugh. He was crazy but funny.

"Guess staying here won't be so bad....." You trail off, looking around the filthy room. "Alright, time to clean up," You huff, popping your knuckles.

Roommate~ (Deadpool x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant