Chapter 7

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The guards straighten up as you approach, a cigarette hung from the corner of your mouth.

"Ollo, me name is 'Elga, I am here to clean ze house," You tell them, feigning a heavy Russian accent. They exchange looks, but let you pass. You get to the door and turn around, taking out your silenced pistols. "Just kidding," You chime before shooting them.

You walk in the building, feeling a smirk form on your lips as you marched through the halls.

"Hey you!" Someone calls, making you look over to see a group approaching.

"No smoking," The lead says. You frown a bit,

"No deal," You huff, shooting him in the head. The group leaps back and you unstrap an AK47, unloading the clip into the group.

I felt the fight

Take the spit

Suck the poison out

The song left your lips as you continued down the hall. More guards were appearing, guns blazing at sight of you. Remembering where they all stood, you ready your guns, before calmly stepping into the intersecting halls. The sound of gunfire resonates through the building.

If you keep up the shit

Take the hit

Dig the grave

This is how it goes down

This is how it goes down

You knew you were getting close. Taking off the mop heads, you unsheath the katanas and dive into another hall, deflecting the bullets and slashing the guards into ribbon. One attempts to run but you pierce the wall on either side of his throat.

"Yo, take me to where your boss and Deadpool is," You tell him.

"Y-yes ma'am," He squeaks. You pull away, leading him lead the way.
He stops in a hallway, and points toward a door.

"They're in there," He tells you.

"Go open the door," You say, giving him a kick in the rear. "And start running once you open it," You add. He does so, you toss a grenade through the open door as soon as he takes off running. The explosion shakes the hall and you stroll in through the smoke.

"Babe? Is that you?" Deadpool questions. You look over to see him in some sort of metallic restraint. You ignore his question, flipping to the side as someone slashes at you.

"I never imagined someone would come to rescue the mouthy little merc," The large pale man comments.

"He is the only merc with a mouth," You reply with a shrug. As you spoke, your eyes were examining the restraints, trying to find the switch that would unlock them.

"So the deal earlier-"

"Was just to make sure you had the money ready for me when I came," You finish for him, backing into a control table. Deadpool's head lifts slightly, telling you you were near the switch.

"Clever girl, too bad your gonna die before you make it out of here," The pale man snarls. You smirk, and press a button. The restraints release Deadpool and you flip out of the way as the man lunges.

"I believe these are yours," You say, tossing Deadpool his katanas.

"You're the best Babe! Now, lets cut off that head of yours Double Zero!" He replies, catching the katanas and lunging at the pale man.

"Bet you wish your roommate was fine like mine~ Bet you wish your roommate was a badass like mine~" He sings as he clashes blades with Double Zero.
While he fights, you look in to a briefcase near the control panel and smile.

Roommate~ (Deadpool x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt