Chapter 9

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You look down at hole.

"That sucks.... You sure this is the only way down?" You ask the soldier as he wiggled about in Logan's grasp.

"Y-yes, the boss knew you would come, he had us blow up the staircase," He tells you.

"Damn," You grumble, crouching down at the edge.

"Why is he always.... Alright, looks like I'm going down," You sigh, standing up straight.

"We're, going down," He corrects.

"You're very reliable Wolvie," You comment as he tosses the soldier to the side and steps beside you.

"I told you to call me Logan," He says. You shrug,

"Eh, Wolvie is cuter," You huff, throwing a smirk at him before jumping into the dark whole.

"I'm coming you pain in the ass!" You call into the darkness. You and Logan land in a cavern looking place.

"How many floors are left?" He asks you.

"Two.... This place is worse than Wade's apartment before..." You trail off, noting every horrid detail of the apartment before you went all 'Elga on it.

"You're talking to yourself," He tells you.

"Sorry, lets hurry and find a staircase, I doubt they have any mutants on this-" Your cell starts to go off.

"Wow... I can't believe I have service down here.... Yeah?" You ask, answering the cell.


"Tony! It's been a while! What's up?"

"You had someone steal one of my helicopters,"

"No, you let me borrow it,"


"Look... I really need your help this time Tony,"

".... Fine! But just this once, ___,"

"Thanks, I'll pay you back somehow," You tell him before hanging up.

"If you're done chitchatting, we have company," Logan says, looking into the darkness.

"Wish my eyes were as good as yours," You comment, unsheathing your katanas.

"___, it's been quite sometime,"

"We missed ya hot stuff!" Two distinctive voices say as two different forms come from the shadows.

"Bat bros! I missed you too... Hand over my roommate," You say.
The black haired twin smirks and the red haired twin grins.

"She said she missed us Rocky," The red head chuckles.

"We were her favorites before she left Dallas," Rocky murmurs.

"It's a shame we have to kill her," Dallas says.

"Hope you can fight in pitch black Wolvie," You tell him as darkness stretches toward you both.

"I'll be fine, what about you?" He shoots back.

"I'll manage..." You assure before total darkness separates you.

You could sense them swiftly circling around you. A cackle sounds from one of them, and your arm is slashed open. You glance at the cut and frown.

"That wasn't very nice Rocky," You state. There's a surprised pause.

"Lucky guess," Dallas growls.

"Sure," You huff. This time a blade passes over your neck. You catch his arm, slashing with a katana. Rocky staggers back screaming in agony. His cry is cut short by what you knew was his jugular getting slashed.

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