Chapter 4

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"Alright, finally finished," You breath, tying up the last bag of trash before walking over to the open window and dropping it into the dumpster below. You close the window and turn to the now clean apartment. The weapons he had left out were now hanging up on the walls, giving the room a very manly and badass feel. You smirk and nod in satisfaction, until your eyes trail over to his bedroom door. You shift,

"Well.... He said he wouldnt be back for another day..." You mutter grabbing a pair of cleaning gloves and a face mask.

Putting on your equipment, you cautiously open his room. Well, it was a lot better than the bathroom and kitchen. You relax slightly, looking around. It took you two straight hours to have it cleaned up. You take his dirty clothes out and grab your own before going down stairs to the laundry room. 'Am I doing too much for this guy?.... Oh well,' You think as put the clothes into the washer before closing it and sitting on a different machine.

Once the clothes were done you head back upstairs, finding the door cracked open. Feeling cautious, you take out your pistol and carefully enter the apartment. Setting down the basket of clothes you check the kitchen.

"Um, excuse me," A voice says from behind. You flip away and point a gun at them. Spiderman raises his hands swiftly.

"Easy! Easy! I was only stopping by to see Deadpool!" He tells you hastily.

"Dammit Spiderman! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?" You gasp, relaxing and putting up your gun.

"Sorry, I had no idea someone else was living here.... Though I probably should've guessed since it's so clean," He comments.

"Damn right it is, took me about two days to get this place clean," You scoff, starting to fold clothes. Spiderman shifts,

"So, how is living with him?" He asks. You shrug,

"Alright I guess, I shoot him whenever he tries something so it works out," You reply.

"That's good... Do you know when he's gonna be coming back?" He inquires.

"Hell if I know," You reply bluntly as you finish folding the clothes. You set yours back in your bag before taking Deadpool's to his room.

"Well, I'll leave you alone now... But if you ever need anything just let me know,"

Spiderman says before going out.

"See ya Spiderman," You tell him as he opens a window and swings away  You peer back into Deadpool's room after Spiderman leaves. The computer had caught your eye while you were cleaning. 'Nah, I'm too tired to mess with that now,'  You think closing the door and heading over to the now clean couch and laying down. (Even though he was gone you didn't want to use his bed.) It only took moments for you to fall asleep.

You didn't wake when he came in, though he did come in saying, 'Babe! I'm home!' Nope, it was only when he noticed the room did you wake to him exclaiming,

"Holy Shit she did!" Your eyes flutter open at that and you sit up.

"Hm?" You hum, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"Aww! Look at you all sleepy! Did you miss me?" He asks. You blink at him and stand, walking over to him. He spreads his arms for a hug, but you pull his mask, making his head come to your eye level.

"If you dirty this apartment again, while I am here... I will gladly unload all of my clips into your ass... Okay?" You growl.

"Yes ma'am," he breathes. You release him and head for the kitchen.

"Chimichangas sound good for dinner?" You question.

"Can I just say, that having you as my roommate is the best thing ever?" He asks following you into the kitchen. You just wave off the compliment, taking out a thing of chimichangas and starting to heat them up.

"Did you clean all of the rooms?" He adds.

"And cleaned your weapons," You put in.

"Best Roomy Ever!" He declares, suddenly hugging you.

"You smell like a dead dog, get off and go take a shower," You growl, pushing him away.

"Oh right! Sorry!" He says before swiftly leaving the kitchen. Making sure the chimichangas were coming along alright you swiftly go change clothes, since yours now smelt bad. You head back into the kitchen. As you set the plate of chimichangas onto the counter he walks in wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt and-

"Really? Still the mask?" You sigh.

"You even did laundry! Maybe I should've bought you that maid-" He breaks off as a bullet whizzes past his head.

"Yep, bad move! My bad!" He says briskly, reaching for a chimichanga. You pull the plate away, making his shoulders droop.

"Take off the mask if you want chimichangas," You tell him promptly. He hesitates, you could feel his gaze flicker between you and the chimichangas before ultimately giving in. You pause, taking in his severely scarred and deformed face.

"There, that so hard?" You huff, pushing the plate back toward him. He blinks in surprise, obviously not used to your reaction. You take a chimichanga and start to eat. A smile lifts his lips slightly and he begins to eat too. However, you were still tired from all the cleaning you done that day and fell asleep

[Whoa!] 'Did she-' "Fell asleep while eating," He murmurs as your head drops to the table with a slight *thump*. He had to restrain a laugh. He had grown used to your temper, and your independent attitude so this caught him off guard. He goes to your side carefully. He picks you up bridal style, pausing slightly when your arms wrap around his neck and you nuzzle his chest. [Dawww!] 'For once she's not shooting us,'

"I like this," He mutters, walking into his room. He sets you down on the bed and covers you up.

"Sleep well ___," He murmurs giving you a light kiss on the temple. You woke up in his bed.

"When did I-?" You sit up looking around the room in confusion. Carefully getting out of bed you go out to the living room, finding Deadpool passed out on the couch, with his mask on. 'He let me have the bed,' You realize. 'Aw, he's so sweet,' You go over and crouch in front of his face. You place a hand on his shoulder.

"Wade, go sleep in your bed," You murmur.

"Mm," He hums.

"Wade... Go sleep in your bed," You repeat quietly. He sits up, and you can tell he's still half asleep.

"Come on big guy," You murmur in amusement maneuvering under one of his arms and helping him to his room. You got him to his bed and lay down. You cover him up and carefully remove his mask, putting it on the night stand beside his bed. You go back out and get a drink before going to the couch and falling back to sleep.

Roommate~ (Deadpool x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz