Marthlington - True love

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{ ok so this is my first one-shot sorry for any spelling I'm doing this on my phone, but I am trying my best and the fan art you see above is one I drew myself, my other works are in Twitter at @Izy'n'Gamez}

Martha's POV
I was sitting in the living room with Stevie I was reading through some spells, Steve had to go soon, off to another mission for my uncle Dianite, I find it quite annoying but I have to deel with it.
Ever since the sky people and the Wizards came to Dagrun the connection between me and Stevie grew weaker and weaker each day.
I heard a knock on the door, "I'll get it" i called out to Stevie who didn't seem to care.
I open the door to find no one there, I looked around then I felt something brush against my feet, it was a folded pice of paper.
A smile creeped onto my face as I bent down to pick up the folded paper.

I went back inside and into the kitchen to open it up, "Martha who was it?" Steve shouted out "No, it was no one Stevie"
"Ok dear", I continued to open the letter and written on it was some sort of poem, but not any poem a love poem, it said

If you said you were cold,
I would wrap my arms around you.
If you said you were thirsty,
I would give you the ocean blue.
I would give you anything; the moon, the stars, the sunset too.
This is my heart in my hands,
I hold out to you.

Love from *the rest of the page was smudged*
I felt my heart flutter each time I re-read this beautiful poem, I was upset that the rest of the page was smudged but I was listing all the people in my head that could of written this poem to me, so there is the captain but he is to wrapped in his machines and he knows that he's my fathers alternative self, hummm, Jericho.. No no matter how cute he is, he is with the fox girl and were on good terms for now, syndicate? No he was always away on his little trips or adventures around other lands, there no one left but Stevie and waggles.

Waglington's POV
I was out front of Martha's house with my poem in hand to give to her, I'm scared to do this, I'm scared that Steve will beat my ass the second he sees me, no, I will not throw my love to the side because I'm afraid of some farmer mortal.

I stepped on Martha's porch, I couldn't do it, but I had to, I had to tell her what I feel for her, even if she rejects me, I would still feel a little relief. I knocked on the door and left the poem on the door mat, I ran back down and hid behind one of the near by trees, Martha opened the door and I felt like my heart beat quickened all together when I saw her, her beautiful flowing hair, her contagious smile and her eyes, those mystical, radiant eyes.

She looked around, then look down towards the door mat, she had the cutes smile when she went to pick it up, I saw her open it and head back inside. I had my back towards the tree trunk and slid down till I was sitting on the grass, every time I thought of her I would blush and get chills up my spine she was the most beautiful creature ever to walk among this land.

After a minute of collecting myself i finally stood up and made my way back home, I didn't feel like teleporting or flying today, I wanted to walk and enjoy the blissful sound of nature.

--one week later--

Waglington's POV

I was sitting on the couch reading through my spell notes, I couldn't concentrate at all, I can't stop thinking about Martha, I always thought she could see through me, I tried my best to hide my face of marks and scares but I feel that she can see through me, like she knows me, i love her so dearly but I guess I'm only known as her champion.

*knock knock knock*

I go open door to find Martha, I felt my chest lift with happiness to see her here at my door step.
"Hello waggles, may I come in?"
"Y-yes course come right in, would you like something to drink my love" I felt my face heat up as I realised what I just say, I tried to hide my growing blush as Martha giggled to my words.

Because I am a wizard, Wizards would show there emotions similar to mortals but wizards would leave a trail or radiant aura, matching to that emotion, example anger red aura, sadness blue aura and love a light red or pink aura, and only other wizards, mages and gods can see this.

"Um no that's fine waggles, I came here to talk to you about a matter at hands"

I was snapped back to reality when Martha responded. " O-Oh ok well what has happened, are you ok?" My concerned grew as I saw my loves face sadden.

"Sorry waggles but I don't know what todo anymore, mother is gone off doing something with sparkles and I fear that she is weakening, father and he's friends are gone, both my uncles are fighting and Steve doesn't seem to care, he only seems to care about his missions that uncle sends him on and not me.... Waggles I need help.."

I saw tears run down Martha's face as she held her head in her hands and I felt weak, I hated seeing my love cry, I wanted the mystical, hopeful Martha that I love. I sat next to her and put my arms around her, I pulled her close and held her for a hug, she rested her head on my chest, and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Thank you waggles, thank you for keeping me sane in this time"

I rested my chin on her head as we laid on the couch cuddling and holding each other, I liked this, I wish I could stay like this "I love you" I mumbled out, I widened my eyes realising what I had said, I look down and see Martha looking up at me with check pink and full of life and with the most beautiful shade of pink aura.

"I know waggles, and , I love you too"
She smiled at me and I felt my blush and aura growing, I couldn't help it, she loved me back!

"I also want to say thank you for your beautiful poem the other day, it made me realise that my heart belonged to someone as loving as you"
And with that she pulled my hoody off and held my check in her hand, I closed my eyes and smiled at her touch.

Martha leaned closer to my face and she was now on top of me, I had my arms around her and I closed the gap between up and I felt our lips connected, as we continued to kiss I felt Martha run her fingers through my hair, and I felt a serge of energy flow through our body's, I ran my hand down the sides of Martha and parted from the kiss and her fore head agents mine, both Martha and I were panting a bit but continued making out on the couch. The kiss was more harder and more passionate then the first, our tongues locked together, I moaned slightly as Martha ran her hands down my chest, I couldn't help it this all feels so nice, so right.

As we pulled apart, hot saliva stretched between our lips we both panting for air like dogs, then I looked at Martha's eyes, they were full of love and passion, and they were brighter than before, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her fore head, we were both really exhausted, Martha rested her head on my chest and whispered "I love you waggles, my waggles"
And I replied with " I'll always love you Martha, and I won't let anything happen to you, ever"

We both fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.

??? POV
*sigh, i was looking through my ended eye at Martha and Waglington; I knew she would find someone she really loves, I never really liked Steve, he was never one for sharing his emotion to my baby, I know you'll make a great goddess one day and your father would be proud of you.

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