Marthlington - 'waggles help me'

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{Hey guys here is another marthlington!! For you!! Hope you like it 😋😋👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️}

Martha's POV
Stevie left on another mission for my uncle, mental not, must speak to my uncle about this. But what can you do, Stevie is a loyal follower of dianite, I guess I should respect that.

Oh Gosh dam it!!! This stupid spell won't work!! I think I have to call waggles.
M: hey waggles are you busy
W: no, not at the moment what's wrong love?
I love it when waggles calls me love!
M: I am in need of your assistance with a spell, it doesn't seem to be going as planned..
W: I'll be right over there my love!! <3

Yay waggles is coming over!! As soon as I said that, there was a knock on my tree door
*knock knock *
"Coming" I shouted out
I ran to the door and saw waggles standing in front of my door step with his book of magic spells and his hood off, waggles said that I was the only one that he would comfortable show his face to, I felt special!!

"So Martha what are you have problems with?"
I was lost in his mysterious brown eyes for a moment when I snapped back to reality.
"Oh, yeah every time I make a spell, the components don't seem to work together, it would ether blow in my face or part of my house, I need some guidance in preparing spells!"
"That's an easy thing to help with where is your spell work bench?"
"Right over here"
I showed waggles my spell work bench and waggles got to work on what I was doing wrong.

"Martha, the trick is to get all the ingredients ready then put it in the work bench in order with little to no gap between each time you throw and item in, let me show you, you got a spell your working on?"
I showed waggles of a simple spell I was working on, it was an aura spell, with this spell you fire it to the ground and it realises a smell of pure love and affection
"Here you go waggles"
I handed him a small crate full of the ingredients needed for the spell, as I passed the crate to him our hands brushed against each other sending chills up my spine
"Thank you Martha"

He placed the crate down beside him and started up the work bench.
"Martha let me show you what to do"
Waggles grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bench, he showed me his way of making the spell which helped out a lot, finally the spell was completed, now all I needed to do was put the spell on a page.
"Martha hold your hand out like this"
Waggles stood to the side of me with his right hand on top of my right hand, our fingers were intertwined with each other as we held our hand out to the work bench.
"Concentrate on the spell, and guide the spell to the page"
I shut my eyes and focused on the spell, waggles placed his other and on my hip and I just smiled.
"Great job my love, you did it!"

I opened my eyes to the spell page in my hand, and waggles fingers still intertwined with mine, I let go of his hand and give him a massive hug.
"Oh thank you waggles, I made my first spell!!"
We pulled away slightly but still in each other arms, our faces cm's apart, we slowly got closer to each other, then we closed the gap between us, our lips locked together, and I felt a sense of need, a sense of want, I never had this feeling before with Stevie, but I don't get it, Stevie and waggles were the same person, maybe because waggles is more involved in the arts or magic and wizardry.

We continued kissing for what felt like hours, as I felt the kiss getting rougher, I started to trail my fingers through his hair and his grip on me tightened around me, I stumble back a bit and then stopped when I hit a wall, we parted from our kiss for we were both out of breath.
The look in his eyes said 'finally'
"Waggles, I --"
Before I had time to finish what I wanted to say he crashed his lips back on mine, and I kissed back, he then kissed down my jaw line to my neck and started kissing down my neck,
'Oh god!' I thought to myself, I then felt wag hit my sweet spot and couldn't help but let out a light moan, waggles continued to suck on that spot, I knew I was gonna get a bruise or a 'hickey' as the others say.
"Waggles please, d-don't s-stop"
As soon as I said the words his hands trailed down my shoulders, to the side of my body, and I felt my hood slide of my shoulders.

*knock knock*

Both waggles and I stopped what we were doing.
"Martha darling are you here!"
Oh no it was Stevie!!
"One minute!! Waggles you have to leave before Stevie finds you" I felt tears fill my eyes, I really loved waggles, but I also loved Stevie.
"It's ok my love, next time"
Waggles placed his hand to the side of my face, wiped my tear and gave me another kiss, he put his hood over his head, then light admitted from underneath him, he teleported home.
"Martha are you ok?"
"Yeah Stevie I am fine"
I did my best to cover the bruise with my messy hair.
"Why is your hood on the floor and why are you all red, what happened"
Anger started showing in his eyes, I had to make a excuse,
"Stevie, a spell I was working on... Uh summoned a... beast.. And I had to battle it, that is why my hood was off and my hairs a mess and my face is red!"
I pulled a fake smile and hoping Stevie bought it,
"Hummmmm... Ok Martha I believe you, our you ok?"
"Yes Stevie I'm fine!"
He walked up to me and kissed me, I kissed back but something was off, I didn't feel the need, nor the want, nothing.
"Well that's good your not hurt, wanna here about my trip"
"Ok Stevie"
"Let's go to the living room I'll tell you everything, your gonna laugh ye socks off!"

I watched as Stevie ran back up stairs, I walked over to my hood that was on the floor and picked it up to fine my spell in one of it's pockets, I held the spell in hand.
'Hu the spell is not named yet..' I thought to myself
'I name this spell, marthlington!'
I put the spell in my spell book and run back up stairs to join Stevie.

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