Syndisparkles - Mianite Season 3 Party!

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{I want it to come out soooooo badly! It's killing me!!! I want marthlington and syndisparkles to happen! GRR}

Tuckers POV
"Hey!!!!'" I shouted as I answered the door to Jordan's face, I was excited to have all my mianite mates come over for a BBQ, as a celebration for Mianite Season 3 coming out.

"Hi tucker, great to see you!" Jordan says as he hugs me a hello.

"Am I late?" Jordan asks.

"You are not late, but you aren't early so it's all good" I replied with a pat to his back as I showed him to the living room where everyone was.

On the couch was Tom vlogging with his sister, next to phill (aka one of the wizards), matt, other Tom, Champwan ( I don't know his actually name... Is it Riley ?!? Or something starting with and 'R' IDK WHERE CALLING HIM CHAMP )and Dec were at the table versing the modesteps and each other at bear pong.

Around the living room we have the behind the scenes people, and a few other friends.

"Jordan!" I hear from the couch "great to see you man" as Tom continues and hugs Jordan a hello from his waist.

"HA, GGGAAAAAYYYYYYYY" the modesteps shout causing everyone to have a chuckle, ultimately it led to a wet, beer smelling Modestep, for Tom chucked a plastic cup, which still had beer in it.

Everyone except the modesteps laughed.

The night was long and the party was banging, everyone was hyped and ready for the release of Mianite Season 3.

"James so good to see you!" I say as I finally see wag from the crowd.
"Hello Tucker, what a party I must say"
"It sure is"
"Oh tucker, this is Amy ( IDK her real name, sorry ) she was the one playing as Martha and Mot in season 2"
"Hello" Amy continued and shook my hand
" I had a blast working and being apart of this!"
"Well you make a pretty good Martha and Mot, have a good night you two"
"See ya"


The time was becoming 1:30am, a majority of people has left for they drank to much or where to tierd that they nearly passed out, we wanted to play a few party games before Tom, his sister, James and the Wizards had to return home in a few days.

"So Tom does this mean your gay, or at lest bi?" I heard Alice say from the couch, her and Sonja where watching a video on Tom's phone, probably one of his vlogs or a YouTube video.

"What the fuck?" Tom replied
"In this video of you and Jordan you numb nut!" When Alice finished, she flips the phone to show when Tom and Jordan kissed, well more like Tom kissed Jordan and Jordan turning into a tomatoes with a deerped Craig in the background.

"What the fuck Tom! You kissed him?!? Hahaha" I'm sorry but it's funny seeing Jordan like that.
"Oh yeah, that happened" Tom replies with a chuckle
"You gonna post this?" Sonja says laughing "cause you guys already broke the Internet on that snowboarding day, your just going to turn this into a nuke bomb" she continues

"Fuck yeah I'm gonna post it!" Tom says with a chuckle
"And what's your thought in this Jordan?" Alice questions the man across the room.
"Well...I think it's fine! No one got hurt from it"
"I have to agree with Jordan on that, As long as it's  not rape or some shit it cool"  everyone laughed to my comment.

"Just for our entertainment I won't be able to see Toms vlogs while on the plane" wag spoke up
"Would you like to re-enact that clip? He continued everyone started to clap and cheer.
"What!" Jordan asks
"Re-enact, Kiss him, Just Do It!" Those were the words that where being chanted, it feels like collage when your dared todo stupid things with your friends..
"Im up for that! I liked it, no homo though"
"It's pretty hard to to say 'no homo' right now Tom" Alice bickers.
"Yeah but it wasn't as hard in the clip! Wait.. I fucked up!"
Everyone laughed at toms stupidity.

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