Syndisparkles - #Wisdomdoneit

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{in this one-shot, Wisdom is a fella shipper and teases the two from writing in the chat the start to a fanfic. 😈 if you still don't get we're I'm going with this then, on the final episode of Mianite. (The feels dou) when tucker was taken over.... Yeah think of it like that!! But with text in game chat, One last thing, I'll be using a combination of both minecraft name and I'll name so if u get confused with names... Sorry!! }

3rd POV
It was a normal day in Mianite, Tucker completing his blood magic tasks, Sonja discovering the dark secrets to trickery, Waglington impressing Martha with his many spells, and Jordan and Tom working and playing on mini games they have built.

Tom's POV
"SPARKLES COME OVER HERE, NEAR ME" I shouted throw the mic.
"Alright tom hold on one sec, yeah where are you... OH JESUS!!! TOM!!! WHY AM I IN THE END!!" He shouted back, it was the best, hearing Jordan complain it would always make me laugh my ass off
"Sorry sparkles, HaHa, I couldn't reset putting a portal down, HaHa!"
"Ha ha very funny, not, what did u want to show me?" I saw Jordan's character pop up I front of my screen which made me jump a bit.
"It was the command block Wisdom set up for me, he asked me to test the command with you, he said we won't die or lose our stuff"
"Cool, I'm in what do I need to do?"
I smiled at he's response, I honestly didn't know what the people behind the seems wanted to test, he said it was something pretty funny and a bit trolley so I was like 'hell yeah I'm in!!' I'm glad Jordan agreed !

"So sparkles we need to press our buttons in front of us"
I stood in front my button and Jordan did the same, "On the count of 3 we both press the button and see what happens for the next 5 to 10 minutes"
"Ok Tom I trust you on this"
I started to blush a bit, but hopefully twitch didn't see it, "3 , 2 , 1 , GO"
Sparkles and I both pressed the buttons and waited, nothing seemed to happen.

"Hu, that's weird, wait I got a message from Wisdom"
"What dose it say Tom, what do we need to do?"
Wisdom: I hope you enjoy our little troll for today, after all, I am a big syndisparkles shipper myself... ;D
'Oh god' I thought to myself
"Tom what's happening, I can't type in game chat!"
"Shit we just got trolled by Wisdom!!"
"Tom what are they doing, I can't move my character anymore!!"
"Ha Ha sparkles I'm so sorry!!"
"Oh god Tom "

SynHD : oh Jordan
CaptainSparklez : oh tomy <3

"What the heck is happening Tom!"
"Sparkles, there syndisparkles shippers!!! There trolling!!"
"Tom I can't type in chat! HaHaHa"
Me and Jordan where both face palming and soon the others joined the team speek
"What's going on here guys!"
I herd tuckers voice along with wag and Sonja
"Me and Jordan can't type in chat! It's not us typing this!!"
"What's happening, oh I see hahahahaha"
"Wag don't laugh !!, there shippers!! They have been listening to twich chat!!"
"I ship it !!" Sonja shouted

SynHD : holds CaptianSparklez hand
CaptianSparklez : kisses Tom's check
Wisdom : hahah XD
Waglington : OMG xDdddddd
II_JERiiCHO_II : yesssss more XDdddd
OMGitsfirefoxx : I ship it!!
Martha_the_Mystic : oh I do say :Ddd

"Wisdom you son of a bitch"
I honestly felt like I was blushing a bit, all I could here was tucker and wag laughing, I think Sonja left to got talk with her chat, but I couldn't here Jordan's voice, he wasn't mute or anything, he was just silent?
"Oh god I think there reading fanfiction, SHIT HaHa"

SynHD : wrapped his arms around Jordan's waist
CaptianSparklez : Leaned closer to Tom
II_JERiiCHO_II : shit sun, hope this ain't no porno, because that be ho-- I mean yuck XDDDD

Jordan's POV
I was literally face palming myself, I knew something would happen, there has been no story stuff for a few days, god no

SynHD : tilted Jordens chin up and leaned closer and closer to Jordens lips

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