Marthlington - ' late night make out '

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{ hello guys!, just quickly, this is like celebration for Martha and Steve getting engaged and everyone gets drunk, one thing leads to another then, BOOM marthlington! Hope you like}

Waglington's POV
It was the day after Martha and Steve got engaged, I didn't want to be here, but I had to because I still love my Martha, even though she was engaged to that poor excuse of a man.

I didn't like him, more like hated him, he would always leave my love alone for long periods of time and in my eyes, Steve treated Martha like an object, no one saw this but me, no one recognise Martha's red hands from Steve's 'favours'  like cleaning after that pig.

I was in the bar with all my friends, but I didn't feel like getting wasted, I looked around and I couldn't spot Martha, she's probably with Steve. I put my elbows on the table and rest my head in my hands.

"Waglington, what's the problem, why are you not having fun with your friends?"
I looked up and came face to face with lady Ianite, she wore her casual get up, but with darker eye make up.

"Oh, I'm fine Lady Ianite"
"Wag I had kids, I can tell when something is wrong, what happen, let me try and help"
I looked at Ianite and let out a big sigh
"'s a long story.."
"No matter I have time, besides sparkles can't take a hint, What has happen child?"

"Well, I ever since Martha showed up, I saw her, differently to other females, she was like the light bulb in my dark room, she would have that look to her that said ' let's have fun ', she was always happy and I loved her for that, it was like love at first sight... I loved the way she saw the world, I loved everything about her.

But in the end, she engaged that farmer, I could never compete with that! She loves the farmer, although I might be her champion, I still loved her, and I would never let anyone or anything hurt her..."
I let out a shaky sigh, I felt myself about to cry, luckily I had my hood up, and Ianite couldn't see my face properly.
"I love Martha, but I let her slip away from me, and the other man won her heart.."

"Waglington, Martha loves you, she just can't see it, and to be honest, I prefer you than Steve any day, you have so much in common with my daughter, and you made my little girl laugh her heart out, I haven't seen her in that mood ever since her father left... Waglington, my advice is to tell her, go to her, because if she did marry Steve, it will hurt her more in end of all this.."
I saw Ianite stare out the window, and fear was in her eyes, something was going to happen to Martha, and I needed to protect her!

"Ianite, what's going to happen!"
She took ahold of my hand and leaned closer to me, she gave a small kiss on my forehead and she whispered to me "please look after and protect my daughter, I won't be around forever.."
"I promise"


After a hug I went got off my ass a looked for her, I walked pass the bar to see Tom, Steve and Mot chugging bear and taking shots, I walked pass them still in search for Martha.

I walked through a hallway and stopped in my tracks in front of a door when I heard thumping and moaning,
I wasted no time staying around, I zoomed out of that situation, but still no sign of her.

I walked to the front of the bar, next to the exit to see sparkles, Ianite and deviser all at one table chatting, and Ianite scooting closer to sparkles, 'wow sparkles really can't take a hint' I thought, but still no Martha, I was starting to get worried, what if something happened to her!

I stepped out side of the bar and walked to the decking area, I saw Martha there I let out a relived sigh, she held something in her hand, a bottle?
I walked closer and placed a hand on her shoulder she jumped in surprise but, then was giggling, her giggles were the cutest, what's up with Martha.

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