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Daniel's reputation started to stain when a rumor broke out that he took advantage of his ex-girlfriend in a drunk state and assaulted her at the afterparty that happened one night at one of his friend's house. He denied the rumors and claimed that he was drugged and it was the other way around, but no one believed him as everyone at his school, including his friends and his ex-girlfriend, now see him differently and disgustingly.

Rumors after rumors, mistakes after mistakes, Daniel started to rebel due to the unforeseen happenings that resulted to a car crashed that involved his little sister who ended up in a coma. As if it wasn't enough misfortune, his grades also went down the drain due to his rebellious actions that affected his studies throughout the semester.

His life turned upside down and didn't know how to turn it back the way it was. He hoped for atleast a chance to make up for his mistakes that would bury the amount of guilt and regret he feels. Despite the unforeseen occurences and misfortunes, he refused to give up and like any other people in the world, he, too, will choose to wake up in the morning and walk forward for a new start filled with hope, faith, and perhaps love. Only little did he know, he may masked his misery with a new start, but deep down he is still stuck in agony that he couldn't get rid of and little of his conscience is aware of the things he do to himself in order to cope with his dark thoughts that he refused to be wary of.

But just as he was about to gain hope and take a chance on a new start, he happens to stumble upon an encounter with an uncanny and funny looking girl who wears the same clothes everyday; a grey jacket with diamond line patters, a purple shirt a baggy pants and a high-ankle shoes, a no self-consideration person who bothers him every chance she gets, and a girl who little did he know, would make such a big impact of his life that turned upside down into another way around.

But there was one problem. Just one. Her identity.

"Who are you?! Really?!"

"I'm just someone who happens to know you deep down better than you do."

Just as this quirky girl was about to guide Daniel towards his absolution, her life, as well, takes on a toll of finding her real purpose and walk towards the path of freedom; one that she's been longing for a long time. Just as she was about to grasp for that light, there were two things that held her back; Herself and Daniel.

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