Chapter 2: Apple snakes

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"Oh you made it!" You giggled standing up and greeting Husk. You were sober but Angel was already strung out on drugs and all over his cannibal boy toy. Cherri seemed amused to see an overlord though.

"Oooh you're y/n's friend! The one she-" you shot her a look and she shut up.

"Oooooo, girlie you found yourself a fancy boy." Angel giggled practically falling around the booth.

"Oh wow, you really have had too much for tonight." You scooped up the sack of coke tucking it into your jacket pocket. "You aren't going anywhere with him until he's sober enough to hold his own."

"Understood ma'am." The cannibal smiled.

"You're really polite, Angel doesn't tend to find the nice ones, that's how we got tied up with Valentino."


"Yeah, Angel he's." You sighed smiling at him. "He deserves so much more than what he has, he shouldn't be in such a rotten place."

"I don't believe you do either babe." Cherri laughed. "You hardly broke the rules in life."

"Mmhm, killing your dad and then yourself isn't breaking the rules." You laughed. "And then killing him again in hell and taking-"

You stopped catching yourself and drinking your drink.

"What?" Everyone has looked at you now and everyone was paying attention, even Angel.

You sighed pulling out a carton of cigarettes propping one in his mouth and lighting it. Angel took a deep breath out of habit and blew it out. "How are you feeling Angie?"

"Better, Jesus, those smokes of yours work miracles sometimes I swear." Angel laughed as you pulled the cigarette back and took a deep breath in blowing the blue smoke out.

"That's why they sell so welllll, amazing recipe." You laughed. "Sobers most people right up."

"That's crazy, can I see?" Husk asked. You handed him the cigarette and he took a long inhale in before blowing out. "Oh these are the same ones Polly smiles."

"Polly is y/n's friend, gets them for free." Cherri laughed.

"For being such close friends they never hang out."

"She's always busy." You sighed shrugging. "It sucks."

"It's difficult when you're that pretty, she still looks mostly human." Angel scoffed. "It's ridiculous, there's no way that's what she normally looks like."

"Well it'd be difficult to get in a disguise that looks so human and make it look real?" Husk shrugged. "I dunno."

"She's all about magic tricks right?" You shrugged. "What if it's a mass hallucination? Maybe she doesn't even exist."

"That would be insane." Cherri laughed. "I kissed Polly in a bar once before she was big and famous, she said she had some odd plan-"

"But a mass hallucination could be possible, that's her entire gig." Husk said now fascinated by this concept. "She uses hallucinations to intimidate people, to reel people in and trap them, she's not physically all that powerful, but mentally she can fuck some people up."

Candy (Lucifer x reader x Husk)Where stories live. Discover now