1.3 |𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬, 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬

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 ~⚡~{[CHAPTER THREE]}~⚡~

[Nightmares, Visions, and Quests]

T.W. - Panic Attack

THAT NIGHT, DAISY had her worst dream yet. She was fighting someone. A half-blood. She was so sure, because they were wearing a battered orange shirt with the distinct back writing emblazoned onto it in the familiar pattern. They were tall, and she could make out light hair, but not much else. The two demigods were in the middle of the woods, far away from any sign of light or civilization. Night was upon them, crickets chirped and the older boy seemed to be arguing with her. He was telling her something about the gods, and he looked angry. Just then, a boy with dark hair ran up behind them, raising a golden sword and running into the fight. The tall and dark haired boys fought together, the argument going back and forth relentlessly. Meanwhile, Daisy took to climbing the tree behind the older boy, who didn't notice her. With a yell, she jumped down, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him down to the ground, wincing as her ankle twisted when she landed, and held her sword to his throat. She almost smiled at the look of defeat on his face, until she felt a stabbing pain in her abdomen and, gasping, she looked down, seeing his sword through her stomach. She cried out as the older boy released a scorpion, which crawled towards the dark haired boy, and stuck out it's stinger, ready to -

"Daisy!" she jolted awake, gasping for breath and sure she was about to die. "Are you okay? You were talking in your sleep, and -"

"I'm fine!" she snapped, jumping out of bed and pushing past Pollux, who looked confused. She gathered her things, and slammed open the door to cabin twelve, slipping on her shoes and running across camp to the girls' bathrooms. It was still dark out, as it was only around five am, and most kids slept until at least six. Once inside, she turned on the shower and locked the door, sinking down against the tiled wall under the hot steam. She thought about the dream.

It felt like more than just a dream - like it was real. It was real. But it hadn't happened, had it? Yet. It hadn't happened yet. And the pain, it had been so real, so physical, yet so mental at the same time. Waves of emotions overcame her, and she felt hot tears slipping down her cheeks as she struggled with the realisation that her vision was inevitably going to happen.

But when?

She leant into the corner of the shower, letting her clothes and hair get soaked. The streams of water ran over her as she let out a shaky breath, and choked a sob.

She felt ashamed for being so vulnerable over a stupid dream. It was just a dream - so why was she so panicked and anxious? Sure, she often struggled with stress and anxiety, but she was a demigod. And she couldn't let anyone see her in such a state where they had any kind of blackmail against her. That just wasn't how she worked. She felt so overwhelmed by the fact that she had just literally seen the future.

And what she saw...

Well, it was enough to make anyone go mad, and she was basically already mad. Heck, her dad was the god of madness!

But still, her newfound ability scared her.

Suddenly, she found herself gasping for breath, heart beating gradually faster, and she suddenly felt hot. It was as if a fire had escaped from within her and was bouncing around and crawling up her skin, hissing as the flames licked at the tears that were streaming down her face and mixing with the scolding water from the shower.

DAISY || P. Jackson x Fem O/CWhere stories live. Discover now