what tf is this school.

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"have you heard the rumors? no..? um okay so basically there is this girl who is supposedly a half ghost demon that's a reincarnation of a girl from the 50's, ik crazy. 🙀"

"shocker cause that's me. this is my story on how i got soul tied with a bunch of dumbasses."

this is my first week at this academy called "kamome academy" or something like that as a famous pop star. all my life i've either been homeschooled or been to trashy and shit schools in the hood so this was new territory for me. i'm very well known in this area so i'm trynna mentally prepare myself to get bombarded with shit from other people.

i'm also hoping that no one is gonna recognize me as who i used to be as a high power mafias daughter. i used to be known to the public as "kumiko" which means child with braids because i would always wear braids when i would go on mafia business shit. no one knew my face because i wore a kitsune mask over my face.

"i want to leave."

the long haired girl sighed as i walked along side her, headed towards the school.

"me too fr this is booty"

i sighed back dramatically as i launched myself at avvy, the girl with the long black silky hair, golden brown skinned, holding a hot pink "juicy couture" bag.

"ummm excuse you."

she side eyed me HARD.

"your excused."

we continued walking and talking about how anita was like FAR behind us and we didn't even notice. anita, my bodyguard/adopted sister was straight zooming full speed at us before stopping violently right before she slammed into us, panting out of breathe.

"you don't need to do allat girl"

i smiled slightly as i spoke, my eyelids still hanging low.

we arrived at the front of the school and paused, admiring how well it was built.


anita commented.

we stepped into the school and immediately people were swarming me and asking to take pictures and shit and i was WAYYY to tired and zooted to deal with that. anita gently shoved all the people away, giving me some mf air to breathe finally. i noticed a girl shying away in a corner no one else was really around, she had long white hair with teal dyed at the ends, pink-ish eyes almost, and was just really fucking pretty i cant lie and say i didn't stare and blush like an idiot for ten seconds before avvy was SHOVED into me full force by anita.

"can y'all stop fucking around your gonna fuck up my makeup."

i curled my lashes with my fingers as i spoke.

"sorry girl ily"

anita hugged me and i just stood there.

when i looked back at that corner i didn't see the pretty girl from before.


i silently cursed as i turned up my music and started walking to my first class which was algreba w mr ito, i still had like 30 minutes before class started so i set my stuff down on the table in the back in the corner. someone's stuff was already placed down in the other seat next to me at the two person table.

i laid my  head down on the desk and room a small nap.


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