secrets out ig 🧍‍♂️

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"after a day of hanging out with amane and tsukasa i decided to walk home since i didn't want to trouble my overworking mother by picking me up.

i started my long walk back to my house, i had the directions memorized by heart since i've been to their house many times.

i spent the entire day day playing board games, talking with, and having fun with the yugi twins so i was feeling extra happy.

i hummed a song i heard on the radio as i smiled, making my way back home.

right before i got to my favorite part of the song i was suddenly snatched into a car, someone holding me down and covering my mouth as they quickly shut the door and sped off.

i tried thrashing, kicking, screaming, anything but i was too weak to fight against whoever my attackers are.

it really sunk in that i was being kidnapped.

after what felt like hours the car slowed and came to a halt.

my face was soaked from tears ive been non stop crying.

they dragged me into their house, covering my eyes as they forced me to walk, i'm guessing so i wouldn't know where i was.

suddenly, i was shoved down a flight of stairs.

i soon recognized that i was forced into a basement.

as i looked around i noticed all sorts of weapons and what looked like a whole torture chamber filled the entire room.

i started to sob harder before someone pulled me off my knees up in the air by my hair, dragging me to a corner in the room with a short chain.

he shackled my right ankle to the chain, clamping it shut.

for the next couple of days i was tied down to that corner.

occasionally a woman would come down with small amounts of food and water and would bring me to the bathroom.

i didn't see any of the men from before.

it was cold, wet, and uncomfortable in that corner.

for the following few months, i was kept down there.

everyday i was tortured in the most brutal and painful ways, starved for long periods of time, abused, and raped.

each and every day that went by only made me lose hope of ever seeing sunlight ever again.

it was my third month in that basement, by then i had lost all hope for anything. all i wanted was for everything to just end.

all i had to keep me going was my memories of everyone i loved dearly.


one of the men i've come to know as elliot screamed in my face, his breath hot on my face.

i did as he asked.

he yanked my arm and smiled a wicked smile.

then, pulled out a knife and started skinning my forearm.

i cried out in pain, hot salty tears pouring down my cut up and open wounded face, stinging as they traveled down to my neck.

he slapped me before continuing, i quickly shut my mouth out of fear of what would happen if i didn't.

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