chapter one

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The floor suddenly became very interesting as I sat in Mr. Thompson's boring debate class for freshman, wishing the bell would ring so I could go to the mall with my best friend Elle. I don't even know why I took this stupid class. It's not like I'm majoring in debate or something. At least it's only for a few more weeks. I just want this day to be ov-

My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Thompson's monotone voice, "Miss Hallie, did you hear a word I just said?"

"Sorry, sir," I mumbled under my breath. I mentally rolled my eyes at him. He's always on my case.

"Oh, and Hallie, you haven't turned in your assignment yet. It was due yesterday," he added on.

Whenever one of his athletes does something, it's always, oh, that's okay, or you can do it later, I know how busy you are.

After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day.

Elle and I jumped out of our seats and booked it to the door before anyone could get in our way. There is a huge sale at the mall, and I'm determined to be the first one in line when the doors open.


On the walk home from the mall, I spotted a familiar group of pests lurking outside of Vincent's drugstore. Before Elle and I could walk past unnoticed, the particularly rude redhead spoke up amongst the group.

"Oh, look, if it isn't Miss Perfect and her little sidekick," Ham smirked.

"Oh, look, if it isn't, Mr. Eats ten donuts for breakfast every morning and his stupid friends," I replied sassily, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, watch your attitude, Longmont!" Benny Rodriguez snapped back. 

"I'm sorry, my attitude? Ham started it!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, shut up and leave us alone, Rodriguez," Elle said.

"Whatever. You guys are nuts anyway," Benny scoffed.

Oh, he knew just how to get on my nerves, and at this moment, I was on my last one. But, instead of saying something I knew I was going to regret later, I kept my mouth shut and stormed off with Elle next to me.

"What a jerk," I complained,"he drives me insane."

"I know, girl," Elle replied, "sometimes you just have to let it go, though."

I knew she was right, so I dropped it and we continued walking back to my house since it was the weekend and she was going to spend the night.

When we got back, we put on our comfy pajamas and sat on my bed watching Titanic since it was our favorite movie.

After about thirty minutes into the movie, Elle started talking about the sandlot boys.

"I mean, you gotta admit, Benny is kinda cute," she smiled.

"Cute as in ugly?" I laughed.

"Well, I think he's hotter than everyone else," she replied.

"Gross," I replied. I mean, he's definitely the worst, but I find all of them rude and annoying. Especially Benny. He is such a know it all and thinks he's the best at everything.

Two hours later, the movie finished, and we decided to turn the TV off and call it a night.

First chapter! I know it is kinda short, but I promise they'll get longer. Hope you liked it!

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