chapter four

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Today, Elle wanted to go to the pool, and since it was like 100 degrees outside, who was I to disagree.

"Which suit should I wear? "I asked Elle, looking through my drawers.

"Oooh, you should wear that hot pink bikini you got for your birthday!" She said excitedly.

After doing a little more digging, I pulled out the swimsuit that Elle described and put in on, pulling a cover-up on over it.

"Alright, let's go," she said, walking to the door.

When we arrived at the pool, not many people were there, so we had plenty of room to sit in peace and tan.

I spread my towel out on the chair and took off my cover-up, laying back on the chair. Elle did the same in the chair next to me.

It had been peaceful and quiet for too long. The pool was never this empty.

Not even one minute after I told Elle, the sandlot pests opened the gate, strolling onto the pool deck.

"It's like they're everywhere, " I muttered to Elle.

"Ugh, I know. They're like following us or something," she responded.

All at once, the boys jumped into the pool, creating a huge splash that got water all over me and my towel.

"Oh my gosh! Can't you guys see I'm trying to tan here!" I exclaimed.

"Oops, sorry, did we mess up your hair princess?" Benny asked sarcastically, getting out of the pool and walking over to me.

"Very funny, bonehead. Now shoo, I don't want you near me," I gave him a fake smile.

Benny was looking at me, but he didn't say anything.

"Hello? Earth to douchbag," I snapped in his face.

He broke his stare, and his cheeks turned ever so slightly pink. That's weird. I wonder what's wrong with him.

"Whatever, you're just a spoiled little brat," he managed to get out and then walked back over to his friends.

I hated how he thought he could do whatever he wanted and get away with it. First, he calls me nuts, then says I can't play ball because I'm a girl and Squints said I could be a freaking cheerleader, and Benny also got me a detention.

Actually, now that I think about it, all of them do that. Not only them, but all boys and men in general. They think they're so much better than us girls. They think we're something to show off or to sit and be pretty.

"Hey Elle?" I questioned quietly.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Do you ever think about how girls are treated differently than boys? Like our opinions don't matter? I mean, think about it. I'm so sick of running around doing things, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man."

"Yeah, you know what, you're right," she said, thinking about it.

"I know. Something needs to change," I replied.


Now that we were home from the pool, Elle wanted to put my thoughts into action and go ask if we could play baseball with the sandlot boys again.

I agreed, hoping this time they wouldn't reject us if we stayed strong.

This time, we marched right in there without giving them time to say something snarky.

"Okay, listen, freaks, here's what's gonna happen. You guys are going to let us play ball with you, and we can do this the easy way or the hard way," I said confidently.

"We already told you no, so go waste your time doing something else like shopping or whatever girls are supposed to do," Benny said.

"Oh my gosh, will you shut up about us not being able to play because we're girls?! Let's go right here right now, I bet I'll beat you," I yelled.

Now everyone was rolling on the floor, laughing so hard.

"Give me that stupid bat," I said, ripping it from Benny's hand.

"Wha- hey!" He exclaimed.

I chucked the bat from where I was standing, and it went over the old fence that borders the back of the sandlot.

"Have fun getting it," Elle said.

With that, we walked away, both deciding it wasn't even worth it to play with people like them.

"Man, they really are nutjobs," I heard Ham mutter under his breath.

"Maybe, but Hallie's got a pretty good arm," Squints replied, still in shock.


I was sitting in Mr. Thompson's debate class, talking with Elle before the bell rang. It was my last class of the day, and by far the longest.

"Okay, class, today I have a new assignment for you," Mr. Thompson said in his usual bored voice. "This week, you all will be working on a debate answering this question: Are boys and girls treated equally? You can tackle this question in any way you would like as long as it's done by the end of the week. Class dismissed."

This was perfect. It was exactly what I was talking about with Elle a couple of days ago. Now, I had the perfect chance to prove my point.

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