chapter twelve

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Tonight, there was a carnival, and the sandlot boys invited us. Elle wanted to go, so I was going with her.

"What are you going to wear?" She asked, looking through my closet.

"Probably the new pink dress I just got at the mall," I replied.

"Ooh, good idea. Can I wear your blue one then?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I don't care," I responded.

"This is going to be so much fun!" She exclaimed.

"Hey guys, it's all on me tonight," Benny announced as we all walked up to the ticket booth.

"Cool, thanks," some of the boys said.

"Oh crap, I almost forgot!" Bertram exclaimed.

"What?" Ham asked.

He held up a bag of chewing tobacco, "I've been saving it for a good time."

"What is it?" Smalls asked.

"Big chief. The best," Bertram replied, taking a wiff of it.

"Small, I suppose you don't even know who the babe is either," Ham said, and everyone laughed.

"Chewing tobacco," Ham explained further.

"What do you do with it?" Smalls asked. I put my face in my hands. Poor guy.

"You're killing me, Smalls. Chew it, of course!" Ham continued putting a wad in his mouth.

"Yeah, all the pros do it," Kenny explained.

"Gives you tons of energy! Let's dip!" Yeah-Yeah shouted. I don't think that boy needed any more energy.

Everyone took a turn, grabbed a piece, and passed it around.

"No way. That's disgusting," I said, pushing the bag away as it was passed to me. Elle didn't have any, either, of course.

Then, they all made a stupid choice and started running towards the tilt a whirl.

"Guys, you're gonna throw up," I said, stating the obvious.

"We'll be fine. Thanks for your concern, though mom," Benny said, ignoring me.

"Whatever your loss," I replied, sitting next to Elle as far away from the boys as possible.

The ride started spinning, and everyone had their hands in the air now, but they would definitely regret ignoring me later.

About halfway through the ride, all of their faces dropped, and they didn't look too good.

"If any of your throw up lands on me, you're dead," I said to Benny, who was in front of me.

"I'm not gonna -

He was cut off because he leaned over the side of the ride and puked out all of the chewing tobacco he had.

Everyone else threw up not too long after, and when the ride was over, they all came off of it, looking miserable.

"See, guys. You should have listened to me," I said, patting Smalls back because I felt bad for him.

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