13. ~Trip~

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Michaels pov:
I wake up around 6:00am, running to the bathroom, and puking in the toilet.
Why the fuck would I drink that much alcohol? I know I can't handle even a glass. Why didn't Noah stop me? Wait... did he? I don't remember. I don't even know how I got home last night.

Noah must have heard me in the bathroom because he walks in, not caring to knock, and just looks at me.
"Hungover much?"
"Shut up." I say back to him
He smiles. "You okay?"
I nod.
"Michael- don't even lie. You look like a pale ass ghost." He chuckles a bit.
"Hey- mean." I say before gagging over the toilet again.
"I'll go get you some medicine." Noah says before walking out.

Noah comes back shortly with Tylenol.
"This is all we have. I hope it's good-" I don't even let Noah finish.
"Give me that shit, I'd take that without second thought on the daily if I could." I know Tylenol is medicine but it tastes so good!!!

Noah pours enough in the little cup the bottle comes with and hands it to me. I drink it with no problem.
"How about you stay here for like 10-15 minutes just in case. You want me to bring you breakfast in my room so you don't have to do much?"
I'm not that hungry. I'm like never hungover. I know my limits with alcohol. I feel so sick right now, food makes me feel worse in the stomach.
I shake my head, no.

Noah's pov:
"What- no. There was no deal here." I say on the phone. "I will not- no."
"Absolutely, I do think this needs to be WORKED OUT. Not fought out by deals the other won't agree too."
"You know what? I will not be paying you 8 million dollars. You have money. You're in the mafia too."
"You know what? You plan jack shit against us, we'll beat you and your team's asses. We're stronger than you."
I hang up, looking to make sure no one was in my office.

I sigh before walking out. I walk into my room and see Michael laying on my bed.
"You good?" He asks me. "I heard you in your office... I couldn't really hear you but I did hear you kind of annoyed and raise your voice."
I sigh again.
"Yeah." I say,
"Hmmm I don't believe you..." Michael says. Shit. I gotta come up with something. I don't want him to get involved with my Mafia shit.
"I am, I was just planning- well it was supposed to be a surprise, but I was planning a trip."
"Really?? Wait, now you have to tell me, whereeee!!??"
Damn it. Uhhhh... I mean... I do actually have to go on a trip for this guy that just called me... I was just gonna go with me and the team, leaving Hannah and Michael here since it's too dangerous but I guess I could take him.
"Uh Vegas." The guys actually in Los Angeles, but I could leave Michael and Hannah in a hotel in Vegas.
"VEGAS?!?!? Oh god that's like- a 36 hour drive, not including the traffic!"
I could tell Michael was happy. He does this thing where he'll give facts about something he's excited about.

I'm in the kitchen now. I need to let my team know about this. The guy that called me wants to meet up at....
You know I'm just gonna go to my office and plan this.

I walk into my office and sit down. The guys wanted to meet February... 13... that's in two days. So that means we have to leave today.
I never call meetings at my office, but this one can't be scheduled.

Nicole, Charlotte, and Oliver come to my office, sitting down wherever.
"What's up boss?" Nicole says. "This sounded urgent."
"We're leaving for LA today." They all look at me like I've lost my mind.
Charlotte fakes a cough. "What."
"Pack your shit. There another mafia team that I need to have a word with in person. You guys are coming for back up in case they try something."

They all leave to pack their bags. I already told Michael to pack before I left to plan things out.

An hour or so later, everyone's bags are packed and we are in the car.
"Before I start moving, I'm just gonna say, we're making no stops. Only for gas and if we run out of food. So we will all be taking turns driving, besides Michael and Hannah. I'm not putting that on them.

I start to drive.
"Whatttt I don't wanna driveeeee." Charlotte says, sinking into her seat.
"Aw well that sucks." I say.
"Well I can't drive if I'm under the influence~" she says, finding a random bottle of alcohol in the car, twisting the cap off.
I look at her through the rearview mirror, and reach my hand to the back, taking it from her.
"Grow up, will ya?"

It's been about four hours into the car ride. We've been on the highway nonstop for the past hours. I look at Michael and see him drifting to sleep. I tap on his shoulder to wake him up.
"I'll pull over, if you wanna sleep we can move to the back."
He nods, lifting his head off the car door.

I pull over to the nearest rest stop on the highway.
"Right, who's driving now. We need one person in the drivers and someone to move to the passengers seat."
They start to argue,
"Charlotte can drive."
"Hey- bitch. You can drive Nicole!"
"You two have five fucking seconds or I'm choosing for you."
"Nicole, get in the drivers seat."
She groans.
I get out of the drivers seat and walk over to Michael's side. I open the passengers door and lift him out of the seat.
I open the back door, motioning for Nicole and Charlotte to get out. Hannah was on the other side of the back seat, so she was fine.
I place Michael in the middle since he's comfortable with Hannah. I slide in next to him, letting him lay against me. It's around 1:00am so pretty late.
I don't bother making Michael buckle, he's just gonna be sleeping against me anyway.
Everyone seems pretty tired. I am too. I should probably get sleep for the next time I have to drive.

It's been like that for the past hours. Us three switching turns driving. I left Michael in the back since him and Hannah are really good friends.

Once we're in Vegas, it's night. The lights fill the night sky's, making it a beautiful sight. I look at Michael from the drivers seat. He looks like he's in absolute awe. He's shocked.
"Like it babe?" I ask him. He ignores me, him and Hannah have matching facial expressions. Sometimes I forget they never had the money or time to come to places like this.

Words: 1172 (not this)

Michael x Noah 🙏Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang