31. ~Awkward~

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This chapter contains mention of suicide and self harm!!

Michaels pov:
Well, today's going to be hella awkward. Elizabeth practically exposed everything about me last night. I'm not mad at her though. She's just a kid. She doesn't know that I don't want them to know. Although, now, I know Noah's not gonna leave me alone until I tell him about trying to kill myself multiple times.

Noah wakes up a little bit after me for once.
"Morning, love." Noah says as he ruffles my hair.
"Morning..." Please don't ask, please don't ask, plea-
"Can you please tell me now?" Noah asks the one thing I hoped he wouldn't.
"Uh... tell you what?" Maybe he'll drop it if I make him sound crazy.
"Don't play dumb Michael. I'm your boyfriend. I already know a lot. Why can't you tell me this? You know I won't judge you."
"I know..." I mumble. "I mine as well tell you... my sister basically told everyone everything yesterday."

Noah sits straight, waiting for me to explain. I didn't really want to tell him but I feel like I should.
"So after the bite... after my dad let me out of that basement... the first time I overdosed. Elizabeth called Henry to come help me because she was concerned why I wouldn't wake up. She didn't know I did that on purpose."
Noah nods, holding me closer to him.
"The second time, I was living with Henry. I took and knife, cut my arms up horribly, and the tried to slit my throat. Henry noticed before any damage to my neck was done..."

Noah pulled me onto his lap and ran his fingers through my hair. "This is why you broke up with me in high school?"
"Yes... I thought you'd hate to be with a murderer. I didn't want you to have to deal with my fucking suicide."
"Michael... don't talk like that..."
I wipe tears in my eyes before they fall.

I feel so bad for Noah. He had to deal with my self harm, past ED's, my murderer ass, and now this.

Noah picks me up and he brings me downstairs. Probably to get food.
Noah placed me down at a stool. Elizabeth was eating cereal. Hannah probably got it for her.

"You want eggs?" Noah asks me.
"Sure. Scramble. No milk, extra cheese. American cheese."

I noticed how the others looked at me differently. Well, besides Hannah and obviously Noah. They weren't bad looks, more like concerned looks.

I caught charlotte and Nicole glancing down at my uncovered arms a few times.
I pull on Noah's hoodie sleeve, making him look at me.
"Yes, love?" He responds to me pulling on his sleeve.
"Hoodie... please..."
Noah must realize I'm uncomfortable and he takes off his hoodie, leaving him in a white tank top.

As if about to put his hoodie on, I raise my right arm to pull the sleeve back outward.
"Ow! Fuck!" I keep forgetting my arm had bullet wounds in it.
"Fuck?" Elizabeth gasps. "MIKEY SAID A BAD WORD!!?"
I can't help but chuckle. So does everyone else.
"Elizabeth, don't say that word-" I say before bursting out laughing.
"Why are you guys laughing!! Mikey's a bad boy!"
Everyone keeps laughing, Noah bursts out laughing.

"Oh, Mikey, daddy wants me home today." I look at her.
"Oh... do you want to go home?" I ask her.
"Well, I do miss them... but I also will miss you..." she answers.
"How about you visit every few days?" I suggest. "I can bring you home and you can come back anytime."
Elizabeth nods, a smile in her face.
"Okay, go pack up." I pick up her bowl and put it in the sink.

"Bad boy, eh?~" Noah whispers as he walks behind me.
I feel my face go red. "Shut up." I saw in between my teeth.
Noah laughs and places his arms around my waist. He moves his head into the crook of my neck.

"So, you actually gonna go see your parents?" He asks, I can feel his hot breath on my neck.
"Oh, god, no. I'm just dropping her off." I answer him.
"Sounds about right. You sure you don't want me to drive you? You aren't really supposed to be moving your arm that much. Plus with the pills you're on, it's dangerous." Noah puts out there.
"Okay fine. Could you drive us?"
He chuckles. "Of course, love."

Noah starts the car as us three get in.
"What the address?" Noah ask
"Same one it's always been." I tell him, hoping he remembers it.
"Got it." Noah presses his foot down on the gas, driving off into the city.

We make it to New Jersey, at my old house.
William must have seen the car pull up because he walks out of the house and up to the car.

"Taking my daughter now, are we?" He started off saying.
"Sorry she called me and asked me to get her." I reply.
"Enough with the attitude, Michael." He says sternly.
"Shit- can a tough man like you not handle a little attitude."
William instantly opened my door when I said that. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car.
"Let go!" I struggle in his grip.
"Hey! Let go of him!" Noah says, his voice loud and clear.

William didn't let go. "Don't tell me what to do with my son. And Elizabeth, get inside."

Elizabeth ran inside. Williams grip tightened on my arm. My right arm.
Noah realized and quickly got out of the car. He made his ear over to the passengers side of the car and stood next to us.
"Let go. I won't ask again." Noah says very sternly.
"I said don't tell me what to do with MY son!"

Noah pulled out the gun he always kept in his belt, aiming it at my dad.
"Let. Go."

My dad's eyes widen and he lets go.
"Take your boyfriend. Never come back."
My dad marched inside and slammed the door.

"Are you okay, love?" Noah asked, looking over my body.
"Yeah... I just wanna go..."

Noah nodded and we both got back in the car, driving back home.

Words: 1041

Michael x Noah 🙏Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя