3 - Speak

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- Ghost's POV - 

   I entered her room, the kitten hissing at me, she quickly buried her face, I don't think she had her balaclava on. "Sorry for yelling at you... if you don't have your mask on then I'm not looking don't worry.." I turned around and looked away from her, hearing shuffling behind me then feeling arms wrap around me, my body tensed. I stood there not knowing what to do, I felt her unsteady breathing. "Ahem, I'll give you some time but then we have training in 30, don't be late." I said as I opened the door, not looking at her, and leaving. After a minute of waiting outside Soap had walked outside with Valkyrie. Soap pulled up a chair and sat, watching our fight. Me and Valkyrie circled each other before she lunged at me, trying to punch my gut. I dodged and grabbed her arm and swiped under her legs with my foot. She fell to the ground and I was about to twist her arm until she lifted herself up and twisted her arm around and jabbed into me with her shoulder, I stumbled backwards and she ran and jumped at me, wrapping her legs around my torso and twisting my arm behind me. I tried to loosen her grip on my by using my other arm to get a hold of her. 

 - Your POV - 

  I was in the upper hand, feeling like I was winning until his free hand gripped onto my leg, it shocked me making me loosen my grip on him for a split second. Only to end up being grabbed and thrown to the ground. Feeling Ghost's weight on top of me, he held my arms down, I winced when he gripped my wrists, still having fresh cuts. 

  He leaned down whispering in my ear, "Too slow." Before he got up and reached his hand out to help me up, I grabbed his hand, only to sweep my leg under his and jumped on top of him holding his hands down with mine, his arms pinned under my legs. We stared at each other through our masks, getting lost in each other's eyes, until Price spoke loud, "Alright you two, call it a draw and come inside." He said, Soap clapped before heading inside.  - End of POV - 

  For a few months you slowly got more comfortable around your new teammates, improving your hand to hand combat skills, you went on the occasional mission with the team, getting in and out of trouble, and going on the occasional solo mission, which you specialized in, you were never a team person, but you didn't mind the help or company. Although Ghost's work attitude was much different than his regular one, he was much more harsh during missions. 

  One early morning after resting from a mission you had got hurt pretty badly in you decided to forget it because nobody was probably awake right now anyways, you tiredly got out of bed, looking for Salem, but guessed he went into the lounge room. You put on a compression shirt, and your balaclava, your hair fitted into it, you put your headphones on, listening to some heavy metal at a loud volume. As you moved and stretched the compression shirt fitted around you slim waist, toning into every little dent and muscle that was hugged by the shirt, your breasts were traced, your abs protruded from under the black compression shirt. You stepped out of your room, reading a book, going to the lounge room and straight to the bar for an early buzz. You made yourself a drink thinking you heard something but your music was too loud to notice until you turned around, the rest of the household standing in front of the doorway. Your eyes widened in shock, Soap and Gaz's jaws dropped, Ghost and Price seemed not to be phased, Salem held in Ghost's large arms. 

  Your eyes widened and your body shook, you took your headphones down to the base of your neck. "Damn we didn't know you were a lass, we just thought you were a bitty guy." Soap laughed along with Gaz. "Well maybe she didn't want anyone to know because she doesn't have time for attention." Ghost stepped in, glaring at the two laughing, until they shut up and cleared their throat. "Well now all there is left is to finally see your face and hair." Soap said as he walked towards you. You stepped back in worry, Ghost continued staring holes into you, Soap reached his hand out in an asking manner. You set your hand in his hesitantly and he pushed your sleeve up slightly, looking at all the scars on your arms, "Damn lass, you might have more scars than even Ghost." He said, you looked to Ghost, something flashed in his eyes, you couldn't decipher, worry? interest? 

- The Valkyrie - Desperate Ghost x Female ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora