8 - Distant

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   Ghost waited for you to wake up once the medics properly patched you up. He held you close, admitting things he's never told you while you laid in his arms in a grave state. After a few hours you wake up, he hugged you tightly, "Valkyrie, I don't know if you are even all the way here right now, but I'm not good for you and I think it's right for us to distance ourselves." He said before lifting his mask and kissing your forehead before leaving, you reached out for him but it was too late. You wept silently and fell asleep crying, holding Salem in your arms. You wake up some time at noon and remember what Ghost said to you, your eyes were still red and your mask was soaked. You sighed and changed you mask and put your hood on, along with your headphones blasting Russian rock, you walked into the lounge room, ignoring everyone before Soap put his hand and your shoulder and you quickly grabbed and twisted his arm. "Ow, Ow Lass it's just me!" He said, with a struggling chuckle. 

You scoffed and let him go, grabbing a large bottle of liquor and went to your room. "Ghost won't like that you're drinking again Valkyrie!" He yelled, You rolled your eyes and continued walking to your room. 

  - Ghost's POV - 

  I heard Soap yell to Valkyrie about alcohol again and quickly opened my door, she side eyed me and she continued walking to her room. I was about to grab her arm but remembered what I said to her. Soap peaked around the corner and gave me a look like I was crazy. I turned around and sunk back into my room. An hour later I heard a door open and the soft patter of footsteps stop at my door, I quickly got up and opened it after the person knocked, hoping it would be Valkyrie. 

 Vision stood there looking up at me in awe, "Ugh, Can I help you?" I said coldly, uninterested in whatever she wanted from me. "Oh- Um, we were all going to watch a movie and I was told to come ask you to come watch with us." She said with a smile. "No thanks, I don't want to be in Valkyrie's presence." I said, about to close the door, "Lieutenant, actually (y/n) isn't out there, I asked her but she never answered me and her door is locked." At that moment I quickly pushed past her and kicked Valkyrie's door open. I turned the light on to see Valkyrie passed out in the middle of her room with three empty bottles of liquor.

 I sighed, "This idiot.." I picked her up, and put her in her bed and took her mask off, making a glass of water and setting it on her desk before turning the light back out and closing her door. - End of Ghost's POV - 

  For about three weeks that went on, and you barely even saw him around and didn't go on as many missions with him. Eventually it was time for Riley to go back to his unit, you sat outside, hugging the dog before kissing its head and going back inside. Catching a glimpse of Ghost as he was closing his door. "So cold hearted you won't tell your dog goodbye?" You yelled at him, before storming to his room and banging on his door and insulting him, something in you snapped. You stood there with fury, seeing if he would open the door. To your surprise he did but once you saw his face you realized. He eyes saddened, war paint smudged from his tears, he stepped towards you and grabbed your waist, pulling you into a tight bear hug. 

  You wanted to pull away but hugged him back, as soon as you put your arms around him he pulled you inside of his room and tossed you on the bed before climbing on top of you, holding your waist tightly, his sniffles became the background noise of the dark room. You took his mask off and ran your hands through his hair, rubbing his back, occasionally wiping a tear off his cheek, your shirt was stained with tears and running war paint. His silent sobs lessened, before you knew it he had stopped crying. "(y/n), I'm sorry that I'm not good for you, sorry for ignoring you and treating you badly-" You interrupted him, "Shh- It's okay, just don't leave me ever again, I can't lose you like everyone else, I love you, Simon." He hugged you tighter and continued sobbing. 

  Eventually the two of you fell asleep. Only to be woken up by knocking at the door, you grumbled tiredly and got up, Ghost was still asleep, you rubbed your eyes and yawned before unlocking and opening the door. 

Vision was standing outside the door, "Oh- Um.. Is lieutenant Ghost in there, (y/n)?" She asked, completely ignoring the fact that you were in his room. "Da, what do you want with him, he's sleeping." You said, coldly, holding your ground and crossing your arms, you remembered how she was toxic when it came to her liking someone. "Oh, never mind then, i'll talk to him when he's awake." She said with a smile as she looked up at you before giving you a competitive glare and walking away. You scoffed and shut the door, turning around to Ghost standing right behind you, you jumped slightly. "What did Vision want?" He asked, looking down at you. "Nothing, I don't want you to let her talk to you." You said angrily. "Are you jealous, my love." He chuckled while pushing you up against the door and whispered in your ear. "No, I- I just know she's up to no good." You said, crossing your arms turning your head away from him. He pulled your face forward to look at him and kissed you through your mask. "Don't worry, love, I won't let her get close, I only want you." You lifted your mask up and kissed him, you two returned to the bed and held each other close for a few more hours before being woken up for another mission.

- The Valkyrie - Desperate Ghost x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now