6 - Rescue

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    Later on after falling asleep you and Ghost finally walk into the lounge room, "Afternoon sleepyheads, you two slept for a while, good to see you up again Valkyrie." Soap said as he waved to us from the table with Gaz stuffing his face. Ghost let go of your hand as the two of you walked into the room, " Hey, let's hope after Ghost sat beside your bed like a dog and a dying owner, you two will try to be friends." Gaz said with a laugh before Ghost glared at him, making him shut up. Price knocked on the frame of the room, "Up coming mission in a week, prepare for it will you." He said before flipping the page of a document and returned to his office. Gaz and Soap sighed and winged, "Well I guess we better start training again." Soap said as he got up, Gaz followed behind him, going outside. You and Ghost followed behind them, we all sparred each other multiple times, it was starting to get dark when you all came inside. 

   In the next week you, Ghost and Soap were all going to the area the mission was in, to retrieve someone who'd been taken on their way to the base. Gaz had explained to you all where to go and what to avoid through the mic as the heli landed. The team made their way through the town, shooting guards and sneaking into the building. Once you all arrived at the destination Ghost and Soap looked confused, "Gaz we are stuck, there's no door into the room." Ghost spoke into the mic. "Yeah, no door, but there is a vent, big enough to fit Valkyrie." He replied. Ghost looked at you in worry then spoke back into the mic, "No, she can't, we won't be able to cover her if she goes in there alone." He waited for a reply, "Ghost, you have to let her do it, otherwise we won't be able to get out in time, she can cover herself." Soap said, Ghost sighed and tapped his foot. "Fine. Just hurry and be safe, please." 

 - Your POV - 

  I nodded and they helped me into the vent before handing me my gun and knife. I crawled through the vents and looked into the dark room, there was a person tied up into a chair, with one guard in the room. I opened the vent quietly, climbing out silently and sneaking behind the guard before slitting his throat. I turned around and shook the girl, they jolted awake. "Hey look, I'm Valkyrie, you're okay now. I'm here to get you to safety." I said as I cut the ropes. The girl jumped onto me, and hugged me tightly. "I missed you, (y/n)" My eyes widened and I quickly hugged them back, "Aurora! What- What are you doing here! No wait we need to get you out now!" I said as I quickly helped them into the vent and told them to climb out once they get to the next open one. 

  As soon as she climbed into the vent multiple people busted into the room. I grabbed my gun and shot at the men, all of them falling to the ground but not before another wave flooded into the room, I continued shooting as they shot at me. I dodged multiple bullets, but as I tried to climb into the vent I was shot by someones hand pistol from the ground. I threw my knife into his chest and climbed into the vent. A trail of blood followed my path as I climbed out the vent, the team was waiting for me. I stumbled out the vent, Ghost catching me and spoke into the mic. "Okay Gaz, we are ready, get the heli ready, Valkyrie is injured!" He said sternly, my vision getting blurry. "Why is it always you love? You'll be okay just hang in there." He whispered to me. - End of Your POV - 

  Soap carried Aurora while Ghost carried you to the helicopter, trying to avoid getting shot at. While you were over Ghost's shoulder you saw a group of people running towards you and shooting at you, you quickly grabbed Ghost's throwing knives and threw them at the men, all but one dropped to the floor, the one still running you only hit in the shoulder. He pulled his gun up and aimed, your eyes widened as you saw where the laser was pointed. Once everyone was on the helicopter you quickly fumbled out of Ghost's arms and stood in front of him as soon as the gun was shot. Everyone's eyes widened, Soap quickly shot the guy in the head as the helicopter was taking off. You fell to the floor, Aurora yelled your name in agony. Ghost kept trying to keep you awake, trying to get you to keep talking. 

  The medic was trying to quickly treat you before you lost consciousness, Ghost becoming impatient, grabbing the med kit and yelling at the medic. Soap was holding you up, you started coughing and choking. "Soap lift her mask up just a little bit or she'll choke on her own blood!" Ghost yelled at him, Soap lifted your mask up just above your nose as Ghost got the bullets out of your body seeing as they didn't go all the way through. "Hey Val, this is going to hurt okay just bite onto something." Ghost said as he heated the tip of one his knives with a lighter getting ready to burn the bullet wound closed so it doesn't bleed anymore, along with your other bullet wounds. You put your hand up into your mouth as Ghost burned the wound closed. You screamed in pain, biting down onto your hand, blood dripping from where you bit, your other hand squeezing Aurora's, Soap set his hand on your shoulder. After a few moments of screaming, you caught your breath and coughed up some more blood. Aurora sitting next you, your head resting on her lap, she rubbed her thumb across the back of your hand. You looked up at her like it was a dream, not seeing her in years. 

 - Ghost's POV - 

  I sat on the other side of the helicopter watching the girl touch Valkyrie, she knows her personally, she knows her name. She screamed her name, what connection do they have, were they a thing, are they family or just friends? I stared intensely at the girl before clearing my throat and talking to Soap, trying not to pay attention to them for the rest of the flight. Once we landed Soap helped the girl and I helped Valkyrie, I didn't look at her or the girl. Price and Gaz were waiting outside to help us. The girls went into Valkyrie's room, I sighed in aggravation before walking into the lounge room with a pissed off look on my face.

 "Woah what's up with you?" Gaz asked as he continued stuffing his face with food. "Nothing." I replied as I took some liquor out of the freezer and put headphones on to listen to music while sitting on the floor, behind the bar and drinking recklessly. 

  Salem walked up to me and set his head on my leg and mewed. I opened my eyes and looked up, Valkyrie was looking in the freezer for liquor as well, I don't think she noticed me. I stood up quietly and grabbed her waist and put one of my hands over her mouth, she jumped and grabbed my arm quickly looking at me then calming down. I looked at her coldly until she turned around and jumped up, wrapping her arms around my neck, hugging me, my eyes widened before I hugged her back and walked to my room, still holding her. 

  I closed the door and locked it before climbing on the bed, over her taking our masks off and kissed her, multiple times before resting my head on her chest and holding  her tightly. "You scare me too much my love.." I said quietly. She squeezed me into her chest, hugging me tightly, "Funny. I was scared to lose you, that's why I did what I did, sorry to scare you moy lyubov'." I kissed her once more before placing my head back on her chest, resting my eyes as she played with my hair. - End of Ghost's POV - 

- The Valkyrie - Desperate Ghost x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now