Chapter 15

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Jimin stopped in his tracks and looked at Taehyung over his shoulder.

Taehyung pointed towards the lounge. “Change inside.”

Doshik stood at the side expressionlessly, looking as diligently serious as ever.

Jimin then took the clothes and entered the lounge.

The clothes Doshik had brought him were casual, but the colour and texture were considerably more dignified. The top was a light ash-grey T-shirt, and it was paired with cotton pants and soft leather shoes.

Doshik had already left the office when Jimin returned after changing, leaving Taehyung alone. He approached Taehyung’s desk slowly and asked, “Are you still angry?”

Taehyung ignored him.

Jimin braced his hands on the tabletop and lowered his head to look at the other man. “If you’re not going to say anything then I might as well leave.”

Taehyung raised his head at that. “Where are you going?”

“Home. Or out for a walk.” As he said this, Jimin had an idea. “Can I take a look around my workplace?”

Taehyung fell silent for a moment, then pressed a button on his desk and called Doshik in.

“Take him around the company. He can go wherever he wants,” he said to Doshik.

“All right,” Doshik responded.

To Jimin, going anywhere was preferable to being cooped up in a room with Taehyung, so he immediately walked up to Doshik and patted his shoulder, saying, “Let’s go.”

Doshik took Jimin on a tour of the Hyungjin building.

Jimin didn’t really have any specific place in mind; all he wanted to see was his old office, so Doshik brought him to the R&D department.       

“The R&D department has two supporting labs, one of which you directly oversee, sir,” Doshik explained.

The labs were outfitted with glass walls, which made it possible to see the interior and its goings-on from the corridor. Jimin saw a great deal of R&D personnel clad in white lab coats inside, engrossed in their work, until one of them looked up and met Jimin’s eyes, a look of surprise gracing his face.

Raising a hand and waving at the man, it suddenly occurred to Jimin that, were he to enter now, he’d have no choice but to tell them about his memory loss. He didn’t know a soul inside, and this place was all but familiar to him; the thought that he’d immediately arouse everyone’s concern made him uncomfortable, so he told Doshik, “We’ll leave them be, let’s go take a look at my office.”

Jimin’s office was located on the same floor. It wasn’t a large office, but it was also equipped with a separate lounge. His desk was neat and tidy, with a computer, a notebook, and an array of small perfume bottles that also adorned Taehyung’s desk. There was also a photo of him and his grandpa.

The photo was framed, sitting squarely on his desk. Jimin took a seat and reached for the photo to examine it carefully, and realised that he had no recollection of when the photo had been taken. He looked to be in his twenties, and the photo was likely a memento of his grandpa, taken some time in the years he’d forgotten. 

Doshik quietly said, “Why don’t I wait for you outside, Sir?”

Jimin put the photo down. “It’s okay, I won’t be long.”

He went through his cabinets and drawers but found nothing save for work-related items, no personal belongings in sight. The same went for the lounge and its few sets of clothes. He then called Doshik over and left the office with him.

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