Chapter 22

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As soon as Yoongi spotted Jimin, he smiled and walked over to him. 

Jimin removed the leaf from his head, his movements poised and elegant as if he was taking off a tophat.

“What are you doing here at this hour? I swear I saw you leave with hyung this morning.”

“I went out for a walk,” Jimin answered casually.

“By the way,” Yoongi began, smiling, “this morning I heard dad say that you and hyung are moving in.”

“Ah?” Jimin froze. “Really?”

Yoongi seemed uncertain. “Aren’t you?”

Jimin thought for a moment before saying, “I still need to discuss it with your brother, we haven’t reached a decision yet.”

“Moving back to live with us would be pretty great,” Yoongi said. “Our family is really lively, and you haven’t fully recovered yet. There’ll be people to take care of you.”

Jimin smiled wordlessly.

“Why don’t we head inside?” said Yoongi, reaching over to pull Jimin’s arm.

Jimin subconsciously evaded him.

A trace of shock crossed Yoongi’s face. “Jimin?”

Jimin lifted a hand and patted Yoongi’s shoulder, boldly exclaiming, “Let’s go, bro!”

Yoongi’s frail body swayed under his touch, and with that pat, he smoothly shook off Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi’s expression went blank before he let out an agreeing “Oh”, falling into step behind Jimin as they walked towards the entrance.

Jimin said goodbye to Yoongi at the elevator and got off alone at the twentieth floor. It hadn’t been long since lunchtime; the entire building was especially quiet, and there wasn’t a single soul in the twentieth-floor corridor.

At the assistant’s office outside Taehyung’s office, Jimin ran into Doshik and the female omega who had spilled coffee on him the day before.

Upon seeing Jimin, Doshik intended to stand up and greet him.

Jimin hurriedly waved him off, then pointed to the door of Taehyung’s office and whispered, “Is he in there?”

Doshik nodded.

Jimin lowered his voice and said, “I’m going inside.” 

He walked over and opened the door.

At present, the large desk in the office was vacant. Jimin cast a doubtful glance at Doshik over his shoulder, then suddenly realised something and turned his head back, gently closing the heavy wooden door as he ventured inside.

He walked over to the lounge door, tested the knob to see if he could turn it, and then slowly opened the door slightly. When he peered in, he noticed Taehyung sleeping on the bed, so he quietly shut the door and retreated to Taehyung’s desk, taking a seat behind it.

The office chair beneath him swiveled 180 degrees, bringing Jimin face to face with the floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside, the high-rise CBD towered all around him, the blue sky above was crystal clear, and the golden sunlight scattered through a thin layer of clouds, bathing everything in sunshine hues.

Jimin let his forehead fall against the window. He expected it to be warm to the touch, but it was unexpectedly cool. The coolness seeped into his forehead and travelled all over his body, and his exhales left small foggy imprints on the glass.

“Jimin.” A cold voice suddenly pierced the still room.

Jimin, who had been in a daze, jumped in surprise. He whipped his head around to see that the door to the lounge had been opened at some point, and Taehyung was standing right there in the doorway.

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