Chapter 18

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Though dinner was lavish, Jimin didn’t feel at ease while eating.

Seokjin had a cheerful and talkative personality. He and his younger boyfriend, Jungkook, appeared very close, and they didn’t shy away from showing their affection in front of the younger generation.

Ignoring the fact that he was Seokjin’s boyfriend, Jungkook embodied the image of a sunny university student. He had a big appetite and a wide range of interests, and was fully capable of contributing to the many topics they discussed at the dinner table—though many of his opinions betrayed his youth and inexperience. Whenever this happened, Seokjin would smile and place a hand on his shoulder, or gently knock their glasses together.

Yoongi was apparently a lightweight, his face streaked with red after only half a glass of wine. He covered his face with the back of his hand.

Hoseok shifted closer to him and whispered, “If you can’t drink, I’ll drink for you.”

Yoongi pressed his forehead against Hoseok’s cheek and shook his head. “I’m fine.”

Jimin shifted his sight away from Yoongi and Hoseok, his gaze settling on the still-full glass of wine before him.

Once the meal had been served, Seokjin had told Jungkook to open a bottle of wine.

Jimin’s immediate reaction was to say: “We’ll be heading home later, I don’t think it’s wise to drink.”

When he heard this, Taehyung had said, “I’m the one driving.”

“Why are you going home?” Seokjin said in surprise. “Just stay the night.”

Jimin froze. ”Won’t that be inappropriate?”

“Why would it be? Taehyung’s room has always been available for the two of you. We keep it nice and tidy too, you can stay here any time.” After that, Seokjin had taken the bottle of wine from Jungkook’s hands and personally poured a glass for Taehyung and Jimin.

Jimin’s subconscious was still that of a university student; he could drink, but he didn’t particularly enjoy it, especially with a table full of strangers. He couldn’t stop worrying about getting drunk and causing trouble, so he tried to refuse one more time, “I don’t think I should drink.”

“Do you still feel unwell, Jimin?” asked Yoongi.

“Yeah,” said Jimin.

Seokjin immediately turned to him. “You’re feeling unwell? Let me ring up the doctor and have him look at you, I’m on very good terms with my personal physician.”

Jimin hurriedly said, “It’s all right, it’s really not that serious!”

Jungkook, who was on his feet to pour the wine, suddenly looked up and laughed, saying, “Jimin wants to avoid drinking again. When this happened before, you insisted on driving home alone and got into a car accident.”

When he heard this, Jimin was stunned.

Seokjin looked as if he’d just remembered something. “That’s right, I certainly don’t agree with you driving home tonight. Do you know how terrified we all were when we got the phone call about your accident that night? Taehyung stood up and ran out without a word.”

Jimin slowly returned to his senses. “I got into a car accident after having dinner here?”

“Yes, you didn’t want to drink either back then,” said Seokjin. “You insisted on driving back on your own after dinner and crashed your car on the way.”

“Oh,” Jimin replied dazedly.

Taehyung, who’d been mute the entire time, finally raised his voice. “Don’t drink if you don’t want to,” he said to Jimin.

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