Chapter 17

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Jimin at first thought that the young man in the wheelchair was really Yoongi, but seconds after that, he watched as Seokjin walked over to the young man and said, “Ju-yoon, what are you doing out here?”

He took another careful look at the young man and realised that, while his face was a carbon copy of Yoongi’s, he was much thinner than the latter, and his complexion was wan and gloomy. 

As Jimin eyed the young man, the young man in the wheelchair curiously eyed him back. Only when Seokjin reached his side did he angle his head to look up at Seokjin, an expression of child-like innocence gracing his face.

Hey!” Jimin whispered to Taehyung.

That was when Taehyung spoke up. “He’s my other younger brother, Kim Ju-yoon.”

Appearing to have heard his name, Ju-yoon immediately looked their way. After making eye contact with Jimin, he turned away, seemingly a little flustered. He looked at Seokjin again and said, “Dad.” His voice was very soft, and his manner of speaking was nothing like an adult’s.

“Aunt Lee,” Seokjin shouted in the direction of the corridor.

The next second, a middle-aged woman appeared from the corridor, her shoulder length hair coiled into a neat bun. She made her way over to Ju-yoon and took her place behind his wheelchair, bending down to say, “Ju-yoon, why did you run off on your own?”

Ju-yoon didn’t respond.

“Take him back to his room, let him rest,” said Seokjin. “We’ll be having dinner in a bit. I’m going to talk to Jimin and the others first.”

Aunt Lee looked up at Jimin and said, “Jimin’s back?”

Uncertain about who Aunt Lee was to the Kim Family, Jimin could only nod.

Aunt Lee wheeled Ju-yoon towards the corridor. He appeared to be somewhat unwilling, quiet whimpers leaving his mouth. “Be a good boy, Ju-yoon,” Aunt Lee said. “Dad wants to talk to your brother and sister-in-law. Let’s go play in your room, we’ll come out for dinner later.”

Jimin watched as Aunt Lee pushed the wheelchair away. Seokjin invited them to sit in the living room. Wanting to personally make tea for them, he trotted off to the upstairs study to fetch his favourite tea leaves.

Jimin took his chance then; grabbing Taehyung’s sleeve, he asked, “Are your brothers twins?”

Taehyung gave a cold “Mm.”

“Why does this brother seem a bit dumb?” After the words left his mouth, Jimin realised how rude he sounded and hurriedly rephrased his question, “I mean—he doesn’t seem too bright.”

“He got into a car accident in Thailand two years ago,” answered Taehyung. “There was damage to his brain and spinal cord, which paralysed his lower body. His intelligence was affected too.”

Taehyung spoke in an unwavering tone.

Jimin found it somewhat strange. “Are you not that close with your brothers?”

Taehyung looked at him and answered, “No.”

Seokjin came down with a jar of tea leaves and talked to Jimin about tea for a while grinningly. He then crossed a leg over his thigh and put his other foot up on the sofa, watching Jimin drink tea.

Jimin, who had no taste in tea, took a couple of perfunctory sips, and said, “It’s delicious.”

With a weak smile on his face, Seokjin sighed and said, “How long will Jimin go on like this for…”

“Perhaps he’ll remember tomorrow,” said Taehyung.

That didn’t sit well with Jimin. He cast a glance at Taehyung and said to Seokjin, “It doesn’t seem to matter if I don’t though.”

“But you were so fond of each other,” Seokjin hugged his legs and rested his chin on his knee. “Taehyung must be devastated.”

Jimin never thought that he’d ever hear such a thing. He looked at Taehyung in faint horror.

Taehyung put down his teacup and said flatly, “It won’t change anything.”

Seokjin smiled at his words. “That’s good to hear.”

Around ten minutes later, Yoongi returned. Jimin had wondered why Yoongi was so late when they’d both come from the same company, but it turned out that Yoongi hadn’t come home alone; he’d brought a male alpha with him.

Jung Hoseok was the name of the alpha. Seokjin introduced him to Jimin as Yoongi’s fiance.

Hoseok appeared to be twenty-seven years old, and he was dressed similarly to Yoongi in a fine-tailored suit. His hair was combed back, revealing a clean brow and dashing, gentle eyes. Like all alphas, he had exceptional looks, but he lacked Jungkook’s youthful brashness and Taehyung’s fierce sharpness, and was more gentle in appearance.

Hoseok was obviously familiar with Jimin and was aware of his current situation. He didn’t bring up Jimin’s amnesia, instead respectfully expressing his concern and asking about his recovery.

Jungkook came down in clean clothes, freshly showered. He took hold of Seokjin’s shoulders and planted a kiss on his cheek before greeting Hoseok.

Seokjin laughed and said. “You young people talk, I’m going to go see if dinner is ready.” He got up from the sofa and went to the kitchen, returning a few moments later to inform everyone that they could now eat.

Jimin came from a small family. For years, it had just been him and his grandpa. Sitting at a dining table with such a large family felt somewhat novel. Additionally, Taehyung was the sole member of the family whom he was familiar with. The others were strangers, and no matter how warm Seokjin was, he still felt like he was here as a guest.

Another aunt in her fifties was in charge of preparing and serving them meals; Jimin heard Seokjin calling her Aunt Kim. Right as they all settled down in their seats, Aunt Lee wheeled Ju-yoon into the dining room, settled him at the end of the rectangular dining table, and took her place next to him.

“Ju-yoon,” Hoseok smiled and greeted Ju-yoon warmly.

Ju-yoon didn’t answer, merely looking up at him for a second before lowering his head again and reaching for a metal spoon on the table. Aunt Lee scrambled to grab the spoon in front of him and said, “Be a good boy, Ju-yoon. Don’t play with the spoon.”

“Ju-yoon seems to be in good spirits,” Hoseok said to Seokjin.

Seokjin was seated across Ju-yoon. His hands were clasped on the tabletop as he looked on at Ju-yoon with a smile.  “He’s been really well-behaved recently. He takes his meds everyday without fuss.”

After their meal was served, Jimin saw that Ju-yoon wasn’t eating on his own. It was entirely up to Aunt Lee to feed him spoonful by spoonful, his eyes wandering. He chewed his rice with bulging cheeks and only opened his mouth when the spoon was brought to his lips. Between him and a two-year-old toddler, there was almost no difference in their behaviour.

As he stared dazedly at Ju-yoon, Yoongi, who was sitting in front of him, suddenly mentioned his name. “Jimin returned to the company today.”

Jimin’s attention was summoned back, his head turning. “Why not rest up a little longer?” asked Seokjin. He didn’t wait for Jimin to answer and addressed Taehyung. “Don’t rush Jimin into coming back to work.”

“I didn’t make him work. He was looking for me,” said Taehyung.

“Hyung, how’s the new product line Jimin’s in charge of coming along?” Yoongi asked Taehyung. “Will we be able to release it in time for Christmas?”

Taehyung didn’t answer him. Seokjin, on the other hand, was not pleased, and said, “Don’t talk about work at the dinner table.”

Yoongi let out an “Oh”,  then inclined his head towards Hoseok and said, “All right.”

Hoseok patted his shoulder with a smile.

Ju-yoon raised his head, gazing up at the dining room lights. The spoonful of rice Aunt Lee placed by his lips went ignored for a long time.

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